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"We shall but exchange a Goth for a Vandal," his wife replied. Mrs. Temperley gazed intently at her maid, the light of intelligence gradually dawning in her countenance. "Is there anything else in the house, Sapph Sophia?" "No, ma'am," replied Sophia. "Oh, tell the cook to make it into a fricassee, and be sure it is well flavoured."

Send me, I beseech you, my dear Pharas, send me, a lyre, a sponge, and a loaf of bread." From the Vandal messenger, Pharas was informed of the motives of this singular request.

Instead of being sorry for the poor folks who have 'no ear, and whom 'a little music in the evening' bores to extremity, they overwhelm them with reproaches for what is in fact a natural infirmity. 'You Goth! you Vandal! they exclaim, 'how contemptible is the creature who has no music in his soul! Which is really very rude. Even persons who are not musical have their feelings.

He stopped in front of a house that was separated from the road by a soft green of clover. By the gate there was a seat, on which he sat down to rest. It was all that was left of a great elm that some Vandal of the last generation had cut away. Nature had meanwhile been doing her best to make amends for the great damage.

As Leo came back from the gate leading to the harbour and re-entered his Lateran palace, undefended Rome was taken possession of by the Vandal. Leo for fourteen days was condemned to hear the cries of his people, and the tale of unnumbered insults and iniquities committed in the palaces and houses of Rome.

Avellino is one of those dreamy, quiet and picturesque towns which have not as yet been desecrated by the Vandal tourist. Persons holding "through tickets" from Messrs.

Genseric could not yield up the spoil of the fallen capital, and his soldiers transported to Carthage, the seat of the new Vandal kingdom, the riches and trophies which illustrious generals had won, yea, the treasures of three religions; the gods of the capitoline temple, the golden candlesticks which Titus brought from Jerusalem, and the sacred vessels which adorned the churches of the Christians, and which Alaric had spared.

"Mr Mawley," said I, "you have no more imagination than a turnip-top! You must possess the taste of a Goth or Vandal, to turn such noble lines into your low ridicule!" He did not mind my retort a bit, however.

No staring fellow ever met her blue eyes in the street. On the present occasion the little maiden said to herself, "There's a style of a man I haven't seen, and he's evidently a Northerner, too. Well, he's not bad; indeed he is the best-looking Vandal, as Mrs. Hunter would say Oh, merciful Heaven! that old woman will be run over."

Contemporary historians distinguish Alaric by the epithets "The Scourge of God," "The Destroyer of Nations"; while the great Vandal leader is designated "The Terrible Genseric." Attila claimed the title "The Scourge of God."