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He called to them in a loud and threatening tone. Barney redoubled his Herculean efforts to gain the opposite bank. He was in midstream now and the water had risen to his waist. The girl saw Maenck and the other trooper emerge from the underbrush beside the first. Maenck was crazed with anger.

Freed from his death-grip, I stood breathing convulsively, hands clinched, one foot on my fallen rifle. An Indian ran past me, chased by Elerson and Murphy, but the savage dodged into the underbrush, shrieking, "Oonah! Oonah! Oonah!" and Elerson came back, waving his deer-hide cap. Everywhere Tories, Royal Greens, and Indians were running into the woods; the wailing cry, "Oonah!

"Get into the wagon, quickly," and suiting the action to the word, they leaped up quickly. "Don't shoot, George, until you see something definite to shoot at." Something went crashing through the underbrush, and Angel, who was their monitor, increased his alarm. "I believe it is making for us."

The underbrush had been carefully removed, and the cleared space bounded on one hand by the river, and on the other by the forest, while farther away from each side stretched the smooth prairie looked as if nature had intended it as a business centre. "How do you like our town plot?" said a voice at his side. "It is charming!" exclaimed the preacher; and, turning, he saw Mr. Palmer.

Fulton's hesitation over the word "accident" a picture had popped into his mind two men carrying rifles and peering up over the tree-tops. He was destined to see them again, for as he crossed the road he heard a crackling in the underbrush of someone in hasty retreat. He blamed his thoughtlessness in whistling as he ran along; perhaps he might have caught them red-handed if he had been careful.

The left bank of the river is much higher than the right, which is flooded, therefore the utan on that side presents a very different appearance, with large, fine-looking trees and no dense underbrush.

The minister declined, but M. Poussette lit one of a large and overfragrant variety, while he frowned at the fall, rolled his large eyes around again and finally led the way through thick underbrush and across fallen logs to the deeply-rutted highroad where a horse and caleche awaited them. The prospective church builder took a long last look and then said:

They came at last to a bit of woodland growing about a spring that seemed to gush straight up from the earth. It was really an open grove with no underbrush, a splendid place for a camp. It was evident that Cos's force had put it to full use, as the earth nearly everywhere had been trodden by hundreds of feet, and the charred pieces of wood were innumerable.

Mark sprang to his side, and caught him as he fell to the ground. There was a heavy crashing through the underbrush, then a voice was raised in an oath and there was the sound of a struggle. Mark looked up as Saunders broke through the bushes dragging after him the body of the murderer.

A long, black, serpentine track, where the sod had been torn up by furious hoof-beats, started from the dead carcass of the faithful Shag and moved with irregular breaks and curves up toward the gate that connected the pasture with the underbrush of birch and alder. Here the fence had been broken down, and the track of the fight suddenly ceased.