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'Give Betsey Trotwood's love to Blossom, when you come back; and whatever you do, Trot, never dream of setting Betsey up as a scarecrow, for if I ever saw her in the glass, she's quite grim enough and gaunt enough in her private capacity! With this my aunt tied her head up in a handkerchief, with which she was accustomed to make a bundle of it on such occasions; and I escorted her home.

Miss Trotwood's bonnet and gardening tools and cupboard full of old-fashioned bottles are quite as true in the materialistic way as the Major's cuffs and corner table and toast and newspaper. Both writers are realistic: but Dickens writes realism in order to make the incredible credible. Thackeray writes it in order to make us recognise an old friend.

This had been Miss Trotwood's own enlightened view, on behalf of one of the oddest and most appealing collections of wistful wondering single gentlewomen that a great calculating benevolence perhaps ever found arrayed before it ornaments these all of the second and third cousinship and interested spectators of the almost inexpressible facts.

I followed the young woman, and we soon came to a very neat little cottage with cheerful bow-windows: in front of it, a small square gravelled court or garden full of flowers, carefully tended, and smelling deliciously. 'This is Miss Trotwood's, said the young woman.

Noah's spacious domain, as sacred as Betsey Trotwood's patch of green. "In the name of wonder, what codger is that? and what is he doing here?" was Mrs.

On my replying that I wished to see Miss Trotwood, the young woman told me to follow her. I needed no second permission, though by this time my legs shook under me. Soon we came to a neat little cottage with cheerful bow-windows, in front of it a gravelled court, full of flowers. "This is Miss Trotwood's," said the young woman, and then she hurried in, and left me standing at the gate.

'Should you like to go tomorrow? Being already no stranger to the general rapidity of my aunt's evolutions, I was not surprised by the suddenness of the proposal, and said: 'Yes. 'Good, said my aunt again. 'Janet, hire the grey pony and chaise tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, and pack up Master Trotwood's clothes tonight.

Dick was suffered to indulge his passions but on ten cents a day, while his fortune, under conscientious, under admirable care cousin Helen being no less the wise and keen woman of business than the devoted sister rolled up and became large; likewise Miss Trotwood's inmate hadn't at all the perplexed brooding brow, with the troubled fold in it, that represented poor Henry's only form of criticism of adverse fate.

'I shall not see many more new faces in Trotwood's stead, Wickfield, said the Doctor, warming his hands; 'I am getting lazy, and want ease. I shall relinquish all my young people in another six months, and lead a quieter life. 'You have said so, any time these ten years, Doctor, Mr. Wickfield answered. 'But now I mean to do it, returned the Doctor.