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Russia, through her ambassador, intimated that she would regard the crossing of the Ticino as a casus belli. The threat made less impression at Turin than the warnings of Sir Ralph Abercromby; it was the possibility of English intervention, therefore, that Cavour went on to examine.

"Almost all men are of flesh and blood," said Merthyr softly. "I spoke of girls." "I speak of men." "Blunt witted that I am! Of course you did. But do not imagine that she is not happy with her husband. They are united firmly." "The better for her, and him, and me," said Merthyr. Laura twisted an end of her scarf with fretful fingers. "Carlo Albert has crossed the Ticino?"

An irresistible panic seized him, and he retired, first to Abbiategrasso, beyond the Ticino, and then to Milan, where he took refuge in the Castello with his wife and children.

"And the Adriatic," interrupted a man from Tessin. "Don't forget the Ticino, which is a tributary to the largest river of Italy, the mighty Po . ..." "Bravo! That's better still! Three cheers for the St. Gotthard, the great Germany, the free Italy, and the new France!" It was a great night, following a great day. On the following morning Andrea called at the Engineering Offices.

Relying on the principles of strategy as he had learned them, he had taken up what he considered a strong position for the defense of Milan, his line stretching northeasterly beyond the Ticino from Valenza, the spot where rumors, diligently spread by Bonaparte, declared that the French would attempt to force a passage.

For how many millions of years was there no approach to a road over the St. Gothard, save the untutored watercourses of the Ticino and the Reuss, and the track of the bouquetin or the chamois? For how many more ages after this was there not a mere shepherd's or huntsman's path by the river-side without so much as a log thrown over so as to form a rude bridge?

Though their native tongue was the patois of the Canton Ticino, they spoke all the civilised languages of the world, 'and also German, with perfect fluency, and without the slightest attempt at either grammar or idiomatic accuracy.

On the 29th appeared the Emperor Francis Joseph's Declaration of War, and on the same day the first Austrian columns crossed the Ticino. The Austrian commander-in-chief was Count Gyulai, who was in high favour with the aristocratic party, by which his appointment was suggested to, if not forced upon, the Emperor.

One might have thought that a great fair was about to begin, or that a great Industrial Exhibition was to be opened on the banks of the Ticino. The hunt was especially for books, bad books, which England will perversely print, and Englishmen perversely read.

Certain stumbling blocks stand in the way of sweeping claims as to the freedom enjoyed in Switzerland. One is asked: What as to the suppression of the Jesuits and the Salvation Army? As to the salt and alcohol monopolies of the State? As to the federal protective tariff? What as to the political war two years ago in Ticino? Two mutually supporting forms of reply are to be made to these queries.