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Still, it sets forth the military genius and daring prowess of Philip, and wherever, in the prejudiced and passionate narrations that have been given of it, we can arrive at simple facts, we find him displaying a vigorous mind, a fertility of expedients, a contempt of suffering and hardship, and an unconquerable resolution that command our sympathy and applause.

Joan's agony lay not in the circumstance of his being as mistaken in her character as he had been in her identity, but that she, of all women, had to be the one who made him answer, like Kells and Gulden and all those ruffians, to the instincts of a beast. "Oh, he'd been drunk he was drunk!" whispered Joan. "He isn't to be blamed. He's not my old Jim. He's suffering he's changed he doesn't care.

I even know my patient. He was introduced to me at the railway station. He is suffering from tuberculosis, it appears, and seemed to me very low, very low." A fresh interval of silence ensued. "Well," said M. Sabathier at last, "may the Blessed Virgin save him also, she who can do everything. I shall be so happy; she will have loaded me with favours."

Marien dared not press the hand which she, who had been his little friend for years, offered him as usual, but this time with repugnance. "You are suffering, my poor Jacqueline!" he ventured to say. "Oh! not much," she answered, with a glance at once haughty and defiant, "to-morrow I shall be quite well again." And, saying this, she had the courage to laugh.

And as the day grew toward noon she was as much troubled by the silence of events as her husband had been by the silence of her lips. Human hearts are nests of fear. Her whole soul kept going to the window, and she said, with the impatience of suspended suffering, "Now! now! I have no fortitude for to-morrow, but I can bear anything now."

'Not for you, perhaps; but Miss Amedroz must be tired. Belton was angry at having his cousin called Miss Amedroz feeling that the reserve of the name was intended to keep him at a distance. But he would have been equally angry had Aylmer called her Clara. 'My cousin, said Will, stoutly, 'is able to bear slight fatigue of that kind without suffering.

He had the impatience of one who has recently put a doctrine by for the blindness, as it seemed to him, which kept Phil still in the power of the old superstition; but with his friend's white face, marked with mental suffering, there to soften him, he dwelt little on this, and much on his affection for his friend and fellow.

But I tell you, face to face, that I respect him, suffering for his religion more than those who pursue him unto his death. And when he dies, for his testimony, he will have greater honor than those who have murdered him.

His selfishness was sufficient to place his own gratification in being spared suffering clear before all concern for me, his friend.

He had not lied directly to her when he said that he had had deep trouble; but he had given the impression that he was suffering from wrongs which had broken his spirit and ruined his health. Wrongs there certainly had been in his life, by whomever committed.