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Vendale led her memory back to their past meetings when they were travelling together in Switzerland. They revived the impressions, they recalled the events, of the happy bygone time. Little by little, Marguerite's constraint vanished. She smiled, she was interested, she looked at Vendale, she grew idle with her needle, she made false stitches in her work.

I was rather anxious to be taken with a pile of socks, but I can't knit socks!..." "You can't knit mittens either," said Jimphy. It appeared that Lady Cecily's maid was allowed to undo her mistress's false stitches and finish the mittens properly.... "Well, of course, I'm not really a knitter," Cecily admitted, "but I feel I must do something for the country. I've a good mind to take up nursing.

The needles then descend, and the feed occurs, being the length between stitches. Upon the ascent of the needles again against the material, the loop is both given off the barb and is entered by the threaded needle, completing the stitch. Of Button Hole Machines.

If a binding is placed over the edge this can be fixed with a pretty stitch, or the stitch alone can bind the edge, one such as buttonhole, overcast, or that shown in fig. 76. With some stitches the edge of the material can be rolled over a piping cord and the stitch worked over the thus emphasised margin.

Meantime there were a number of stitches in Jan's dewlap and shoulders not yet ripe for removal, and Dick decided that he would not ask the hound to cover over sixty miles of trail in a day, as he meant to do.

It is by means of the direction of the stitch, too, that the drawing of the neck is so perfectly rendered. It matters more, of course, in some stitches than in others; but in most cases the direction of the stitch suggests form, and needs accordingly to be considered.

Lastly, put the needle through at the tip of the petal, and the stitch is complete and ready to be fastened off. The leaves of these flowers consist simply of two bullion stitches. The bullion knots at the side of the central stalk are curled by taking up in the first instance only the smallest piece of the stuff. Turn the needle so as to twist the thread once round it.

It is likewise found to, be of great service in removing PLEURITIC PAINS, and STITCHES in the Side, by applying it to the affected Part, in the Manner directed for external Application. The Method of taking the AETHER Inwardly. The General Dose for a grown Person is a common Tea Spoonful; and the best Vehicle to take it in is a Draught of Cold Water.

With their eyes closing upon earth they would have gone on knitting and dropped no stitches. A dusk came down like that over Pompeii and Herculaneum. The tragedy of fear went hand in hand with burlesque commonplace. The grey stone walls of the houses grew darker and darker, and seemed to close in on the dumfounded, hysterical crowd.

You must give it to me. She kept her eyes upon her needles. The others, being unobservant 'mere men, did not notice that the stitches she made must have produced queer kind of stockings if continued. 'We'll be collaborators, Daddy added, in the tone of a boy building on the sands at Margate. 'I will, she said in a low voice, 'if only I know how.