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I was talking a few weeks ago with a man who was a war correspondent during their squabble, and he told me a lot about Montenegro and Servia and Roumania. He fairly fired my imagination, and made me long to go. It would be great fun." Nancy shook her head.

Dead hand, counterfeit bill and ring were flung whimsically to the surface of the earth together, and the leaning rocks had been astonishingly broken from beneath through this trivial quarrel. Had it not been for this squabble the Jasper B. and all on board must have been destroyed. Verily, the minds of wicked men compass their own downfall, and retribution can sometimes be an artist.

Variance means "a verbal strife followed by strained or severed relations: wrangle or squabble: to dispute angrily." This is connected to hatred and wrath. Emulations means "to strive to equal or excell with a view to out do; ambitious or envious rivalry." In other words stepping on someone else to get ahead of them or others. Oh, the Lord wants us to be considerate of others!

She stood between him and the knowledge of many a little garrison squabble or scandal rather than have him annoyed by tales that were of no consequence; but now she had that to tell that concerned the honor and welfare of the whole command, and she felt that he must know at once.

Why, I called on Colonel Clifford years ago, and told him there was coal on that farm; and I almost went on my knees to him to profit by it." "You don't say that, Mr. Hope?" "I do say it, and I shall have to swear it. You may be sure Mr. Bartley will subpoena me, if this wretched squabble gets into court." "But what did my father say to you?" "He was kind and courteous to me.

Let go my hands, please; you hurt me Beau-papa!" He flung away from her and stood by the window, staring with blinded eyes into the street. "This is really no good, you know," she went on in a conversational tone; "we quarrel and squabble and are no earthly use to each other the whole position is bad. I think I will tell Théo, and go."

On one occasion a petty squabble in a Roman Catholic theological school in the United States between the more liberal element and a reactionary German priest, in which the latter came to grief, was displayed as an evidence that the American people were determined to drive out all German professors and to abjure German science.

'Wal, it drove up, an' the man opened the door, right in front of that house, an' out got a woman; she was bigger than me, and all drest in black, an' she looked sort of familiar, an' jest as I was wonderin' who she made me think of, an' she was a-paying the driver, up comes another cab, tearin', and out hopped two fat, red-faced perlecemen, an' there was a little squabble like, an' the woman flung herself round so't I could see her face, an' then I knew her.

The same is true of the second act. After the beginning at Hate Hole, the slaying of the dragon which is always comic and the squabble of Alberich and Mime, we have scarcely anything but sustained beauty to the end.

"If I am sweet and agreeable one minute, and feel pleased with myself, I can surely count on doing something disagreeable the next. Now I have made Lillian and Phil cross with me and probably have hurt Miss Jenny Ann's feelings and spoiled this beautiful day for us all." Eleanor's soft voice broke in upon her self-arraignment. "Don't squabble, girls. The day is altogether too perfect.