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They cursed the craft upon which they were carried, its clumsiness, the slowness with which they were making way towards the ship, the ship itself, for not making way towards them: for, as they continued on, those who formerly believed that the light was approaching them, no longer held to that faith.

Minute followed minute with painful slowness as it seemed to Sibylla, and every instant she expected to see Ned's outstretched arm appear from the midst of the shrubs clinging aloft there to grasp the body of the bird. But nothing of the sort occurred, and at length, after a long and tedious period of painful apprehension, she ventured to call his name. No answer.

The stream was still a formidable torrent, though now that the feeding snows were frozen fast, it was shrunken far below its summer level. A good many minutes had passed with painful slowness when Gillow, who regretted that he had left the snug cook-shed, said: "This is distinctly monotonous, and it's about time we struck back to camp.

She had passed her twenty-fifth birthday, but her voice had in it the docile self-repression of a school-girl. She spoke with diffident slowness, her gaze fastened upon her plate. "Of course my grandfather was a lawyer and your point is that merchants and others who make fortunes would be the same." "Precisely," said Lady Plowden. "And do tell us, Mr.

Fault inthe great untaught,” English, two-handed rider. If the length of the rein suits, it may be so held in long rides when the horse is going quietly at an extended walk, for directly as the slowness of the pace is the length of the horse, and so should be the length of the rein.

Did you ever read old Daddy Gilpin? Slowest of men, even of English men; yet delicious in his slowness, as is the light of a sleepy eye in woman. I always supposed "Dr. Syntax" was written to make fun of him. I have a whole set of his works, and am very proud of it, with its gray paper, and open type, and long ff, and orange-juice landscapes.

This appearance of theirs in train, though perhaps it may be sometimes faster and sometimes slower, yet, I guess, varies not very much in a waking man: there seem to be certain bounds to the quickness and slowness of the succession of those ideas one to another in our minds, beyond which they can neither delay nor hasten. Real succession in swift motions without sense of succession.

So that though ideas formerly imprinted are not all constantly in view, yet in remembrance they are constantly known to be such as have been formerly imprinted; i.e. in view, and taken notice of before, by the understanding. Two defects in the Memory, Oblivion and Slowness. Memory, in an intellectual creature, is necessary in the next degree to perception.

When the tale was finished he spoke bitterly: "'Twas she the Beloved. My father was put to death, his property seized, his wife and children dragged to captivity. My heart is faint with sorrow. God! I weary of thy slowness. "Send, quickly send the new king, whose arrows shall fly as the lightning Making the mighty afraid and the proud to bow low and the wicked to tremble."

By the Spanish ministers the proposal was entertained, but with their accustomed slowness.