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It's Rome for the Romans, Georgie, lobsters in New England, avocados in Log Angeles, hog and hominy here." There were others listening now, and she was aware of her amused audience. "If you don't like my little old New York," Waterman said, "I'll change it." "No, I am going back to the real thing, Oscar. To my sky-scrapers and subways. You can't give us those down here not yet.

"Only it's going to be a job to land down among all those sky-scrapers." "We can't do it," Mr. Vardon declared. "We'll have to head for an open space." "Central Park, or the Bronx," put in the lieutenant. "Either place will give us room enough." "We'll try the Bronx," suggested Dick. "That will give us a chance to see New York from aloft. We'll land in the Bronx."

The other day I found myself arrested before a shop-window by a large photograph labelled 'The Heart of New York. It was a map of that region of sky-scrapers which you seem to think not justly beyond the scope of attributive sublimity. It was a horror; it set my teeth on edge; it made me think of scrap-iron heaps, heights, pinnacles of scrap-iron. Don't ask me why scrap-iron!

"Come, Skipper, we've all been telling our stories; let us hear one of yours?" "My yarn won't come so well after your sky-scrapers of love and courting and all that. But if you like to hear what happened to me once, I have no objection to tell you. "I often think how little we know what's going to happen to us any minute of our lives.

And down to the swing in the locust-tree, Where the grass was worn from the trampled ground, And where "Eck" Skinner, "Old" Carr, and three Or four such other boys used to be Doin' "sky-scrapers," or "whirlin' round": And again Bob climbed for the bluebird's nest, And again "had shows" in the buggy-shed Of Guymon's barn, where still, unguessed, The old ghosts romp through the best days dead!

Its irregularly serrated profile is lost, and the sky-scrapers fall into position one behind the other, like an artistically grouped cohort of giants. "Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arise," while in the background the glorious curve of the Brooklyn Bridge seems to span half the horizon. I could not but think of Valhalla and the Bridge of the Gods in the Rheingold.

"This is very gratifying to us as a fond New-Yorker; but why leave out of the reach of sublimity the region of the sky-scrapers, and the spacious, if specious, palatiality of the streets on the upper West Side?" "I don't, altogether," our friend replied. "Especially I don't leave out the upper West Side. That has moments of being even beautiful.

What could be more different from this than the down-town Broadway of Trinity Church and the crowded sky-scrapers? And even this Broadway could differ from itself, as I knew later on an election night.... I was overpowered by Broadway. "You must not expect me to talk," I said.

Destitute of any natural beauty, handicapped by its cramped geographical position between two rivers, made unsightly by gigantic sky-scrapers and that noisy monstrosity the Elevated Railroad, having no intellectual interests, no art interests, no interest in anything not immediately connected with dollars, it was a city to dwell in and make money in, but hardly a city to live in.

He left him at last, and went home meditating on the truth of the proverb that "a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Under the influence of favouring breezes and bright skies the Walrus swept gaily over the ocean at the beginning of her voyage, with "stuns'ls slow and aloft, royals and sky-scrapers," according to Captain Stride.