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And by the terms of her will, you have fallen into an annuity of one hundred and fifty pounds a year; I think I may congratulate you upon that." "Sir," said Dick, sobbing and laughing together, "you may. For, please God, we'll make a scholar of the poor Marchioness yet. And she shall walk in silk attire, and siller have to spare, or may I never rise from this bed again!" Mr.

If there is shame, man, it comesna empty-handed there is siller to gild it a gude tocher, and no that bad a pedigree; if she has been a loon, it was your son made her sae, and he can make her an honest woman again."

Not I. I'm not going into such a place after the sun has gone down. Why, we canna be sure that the ghosts of the dead will not spring out upon us!" "No, I'm not going in there either," chimed in Hercus. "We can divide the siller here on the moor just as well as in that fearsome place. Come back, Hal, dinna you gang either."

Both seemed to complain, and, by the expression of their ugly and roguish faces, to interrogate each other. As soon as they went away, I endeavoured to mutter to myself the sounds they had uttered, but could retain only two phrases. The one had been spoken by the ape, and ran thus "Shure it was for my sweet sowl's sake, jewel;" the other was "Eh, sirs, it was aw' for the love of the siller."

I bore them no malice, though some of them had been ruder than they need ha' been when I went to see them. They'd had their chance; had they listened to me and recognized what I could do, they could ha' saved their siller. I'd ha' signed a contract at a pretty figure less the day after I reached London than I was willin' to consider the morning after I'd had my show at Gatti's.

Forbye you cannot leave your sister her lane. Lassies marry young among your folk, and she'll need some plenishing. You would not surely send her from you with empty hands. You cannot right your own like with wranging hers, not even by a bawbee." "He shouldna hae said the like o' that. The siller isna mine, nor wasna meant for me, and I'll ne'er touch it. That I wont."

Weel, that's just as weel they cost the burgh siller, and there might hae been some clavers about the loss o' them. O, an Bailie Grahame were to get word o' this night's job, it would be a sair hair in my neck!"

"She could not say didna ken an awfu' sum it was to pass out of ae man's hand She was sure it wasna less than ae hundred pounds, and it might weel be twa." In short, she knew nothing about the matter; "but she was sure Dr. Gray would count to him to the last farthing; for everybody kend that he was a just man where siller was concerned.

I came to the Fair without any thought o' either buying or selling but just to see you, Diana and I kenned there wasna meikle siller necessary for that. 'Losh, Walter, man, said I, 'but that is a pity and ye say ye could mak cent. per cent. by the beasts? ''Deed could I, quoth he 'I am sure o' that.

It'll be considerable whiter by the time you drain it off, I expect." "And weigh considerable lighter, I expect," said Mrs Nasmyth, unconsciously imitating Mr Spears' tone and manner in her rising wrath. "I'm very much obliged to you, but we're in no especial need o' sugar at this time, and we'll do without a while before we spend good siller on staff like that."