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His sentiments apparently fell no further towards his heart than that; his brain belonged to the bridge of his nose. "Another Meshach Milburn, by smoke!" concluded Jimmy. After a little pause Phoebus inquired into the character of the people in this apparently new region of country.

I am not sure that the talkers in this conversation expressed their real, final sentiments, or that they should be held accountable for what they said.

There was sore need of a patriot, and in Christine one was found. It has been well said of her, and by a Frenchman too, thatthough born a woman and an Italian, she alone at the Court of France seemed to have manly qualities and French sentiments.” France was in a sorry plight. There was war in the land, there was war in the palace.

But he knew too well the danger of permitting his real sentiments to be reflected in his face. It would only bring upon him a share of the same punishment, without benefiting those who were unfortunate enough to receive it. When Ludovico's punishment was ended, he was permitted to go to bed, but without his supper. Nor was his the only case. Five other boys were subjected to the same punishment.

Therefore Decima and Lucy knew that the "invasion" of Verner's Pride had been caused by Mrs. Massingbird. She Lady Verner scarcely gave herself time to greet Lionel before she commenced upon it. She did not conceal, or seek to conceal, her sentiments either of Sibylla herself, or of the step she had taken.

The view of a city in ashes conveys benevolent sentiments; because we there enter so deep into the interests of the miserable inhabitants, as to wish for their prosperity, as well as feel their adversity. But though the force of the impression generally produces pity and benevolence, it is certain, that by being carryed too far it ceases to have that effect. This, perhaps, may be worth our notice.

Each one of those animals sah, would be a gold mine, sah, at this time, to us who have come from the wah, sah, destitute, with nothing but our bare hands to make a crop, to keep our families from want, sah." The other gentlemen nodded at what the colonel had said, as though that was about their sentiments. I told him that I felt about that way myself, but there was an objection.

But in him this tendency to personal aggrandisement was overlooked, and subordinated by the larger nature, by the intelligence which includes the whole, and is able to weigh the part with it, and by the sentiments which enforce or anticipate intelligent decision. Both these facts must be taken into the account, if we would read his history fairly.

I had some doubt as to the effect a speech from Logan might have; but as he was with McClernand, whose sentiments on the all-absorbing questions of the day were well known, I gave my consent. McClernand spoke first; and Logan followed in a speech which he has hardly equalled since for force and eloquence.

There is but one way to deal with these people, and that is by stern and relentless methods." The Japan Mail, as usual, echoed the same sentiments from Yokohama. "The policy of conciliation is all very well in the hands of such a statesman as the late Prince Ito," it declared. "But failing a successor to Prince Ito, more ordinary methods will be found safer as well as more efficacious."