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And those folds the wear of those folds and, lastly, look, those marks of red sealing-wax, on the back " At that moment Beautrelet, was interrupted by Bredoux, the magistrate's clerk, who opened the door and announced the unexpected arrival of the chief public prosecutor. M. Filleul rose: "Anything new? Is Monsieur le Procureur General downstairs?" "No, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction.

If you want a pretty thing to ornament your room, go and pick up some round, clear pebbles, of different colours, and give one side of them a polish at the grindstone; then get some pieces of brick, and join them together in the shape of an arch, or any thing you fancy, with a little mortar; spread more mortar, thick and rough, over the front, and, while it is wet, stick in your pebbles, with the shining side outmost, with bits of glass, moss, sealing-wax, and any gay thing that comes in your way.

Davidson keeps a slender stock of shop-worn articles, pins, needles, threads, sealing-wax, pencils, and sweeties for the children, all disposed attractively upon a single shelf behind the window. Across the passage, close to the other window, sits day after day an old woman of eight-six summers who has lost her kinship with the present and gone back to dwell for ever in the past.

See, I will wrap it up and seal it, and then you will take it home with you, n'est-ce pas?" She opened a drawer and swiftly hunting among its contents produced a sheet, of white paper, and some sealing-wax. She wrapped the box in the paper and sealed it up, stamping the seals with a camel signet ring she drew off her finger. Then she handed the package to Barbara. There was a knock at the door.

The use of sealing-wax in India dates from old times and the material, though coarse and unsightly, is still preferred by Anglo-Indians because it resists heat whereas the best English softens like pitch. Payne remarks, "These verses apparently relate to Aboulhusn, but it is possible that they may be meant to refer to Shemsennehar."

See, the thread moves towards the amber and clings to it. Sealing-wax and many other substances when heated have this property. Some bodies give out flashes and sparks by being rubbed.

But at last she took the sealing-wax, put it to the candle flame, and sealed up the letter. She had resolved that she would take the risk of sending it. Anything was better than seeing Beryl, than speaking about this horror. And Beryl would surely not be dishonourable. Having sealed the letter Lady Sellingworth took it with her upstairs.

I bent, and lifting his hand unclasped the fingers, still limp and warm. Sapt bent down with sudden eagerness. "Is it open?" he whispered. The string was round it; the sealing-wax was unbroken. The secret had outlived the king, and he had gone to his death unknowing. All at once I cannot tell why I put my hand over my eyes; I found my eyelashes were wet.

His first microphones were formed of bits of carbon and scraps of metal, mounted on slips of match-boxes by means of sealing-wax; and the resonance pipes on which they were placed to reinforce the effect of minute sounds, were nothing more than children's toy money boxes, price one halfpenny, having one of the ends knocked out.

This is but a fresh device of thine to undo me!" "Don't talk rubbish!" retorted Horace. "You made the Professor give it up to you yesterday. You must have lost it somewhere or other. Never mind! I'll get a large cork or bung, which will do just as well. And I've lots of sealing-wax." "I will have no seal but the seal of Suleyman!" declared the Jinnee. "For with no other will there be security.