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Barclay if he had ever heard of another woman who, being approached by a serpent, would not excuse herself and break for the nearest timber. He did not answer my question, but rebuked me for inquiring into matters above my age and comprehension. I will say for Mr. Barclay that he was willing to tell me the facts of Satan's history, but he stopped there: he wouldn't allow any discussion of them.

He got pretty tired presently, for over hill and down hill they went, at that unceasing trot, trot, trot! Satan's tongue began to hang out. Once he stopped to rest, but the loneliness frightened him and he ran on after them with his heart almost bursting.

I fear at this time, when men who have been commended for piety, have fallen foully and betrayed their trust, that men will take advantage to speak against the godly of the land; beware of this, for it is Satan's policy to put piety out of request: let not this move any; fall who will, piety is still the same, and pious men will make conscience both of their ways and trust; remember, they are precious in God's eyes who will not suffer men to despise them, without their reward.

The Satanic message for this age will be reformation and self-development, while the message of God is regeneration by the power of the Spirit. The difference between Satan's ideal and the purpose of God, apart from the utter folly of the one and the glorious certainty of the other, is of both method and time.

And so he could not fail to make his arch rebel grand, and even in his last degradation we somehow pity him, while feeling that he is almost too high for pity. Listen to Satan's cry of sorrow and defiance when he finds himself cast out from Heaven:

When the first frost threatens to come, the planters snatch off their crops in a hurry. Now the piles of damp bagasse burn slowly, and smoke like Satan's own kitchen.

"Yes, my dear," my Aunt Kezia seemed to snap out. "Satan's the matter." "I don't know what you mean, Aunt," said Flora. "'Tis a mercy if you don't. No, child, there is not much the matter for you. The matter's for me and these girls here. Well, to be sure! there's no fool like an old f Caroline! You are herring-boning that seam on the wrong side!" Alas! the charge was true.

World was a lover of wine, but was suspicious of the place, and so he moved to go and found great difficulty in getting to another door, which, at last, he reached only by determination, and, giving a pass-word, he went into the first regular department of Satan's Secret Service.

Then will our memory be so enlarged as to retain all things that happened to us in this world; so that with unspeakable aptness we shall call to mind all God's providences, all Satan's malice, all our weaknesses, all the rage of men, and how God made all work together for his glory and our good, to the everlasting ravishing of our hearts.

In all this and much besides his aim was the defiance of God and to keep God from carrying out his plan of redemption though the promised seed. The Promised Seed and Satan's Opposition The promised seed came. The Son of God took on the creature's garb and became man, the son of David and son of Abraham, according to the flesh. All Satan had done for 4,000 years had been in vain.