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Then taking up my saddlebags, I bade them all good-by. I walked to my horse, that stood hitched where the servant had left him. As I left the house Justice Walls followed me as though he was much surprised, and said: "Parson Lee, I hope you will tarry until this matter can be settled amicably."

Twenty minutes later Racey, sitting on the bench in front of the blacksmith shop, saw him issue from the hotel, carrying a saddle, packed saddlebags, and cantenas, blanket and bridle, and go to the hotel corral. Within three minutes Peaches Austin rode out from behind the hotel. As he passed the blacksmith shop he said "So long" to Racey. "See you later," nodded that serene young man.

The river curved again and just beyond the curve it seemed shallow to him. He plunged in at once, and waded rapidly, holding his rifle, pistols and saddlebags above his head. He was in dread lest he receive a bullet in his back, but he made the farther shore, ran into the dense undergrowth and sank down dripping and panting. He had made the crossing but he did not forget to be ready.

We sank down again against the saddlebags; Drake brought out a black pipe, looked at it sorrowfully; at me appealingly. "All mine was on that pony that bolted," I answered his wistfulness. "All mine was on my beast, too," he sighed. "And I lost my pouch in that spurt from the ruins." He sighed again, clamped white teeth down upon the stem.

Drew, his thumb still planted in the hole which was becoming Shawnee's death, nodded to the guard. They made it, and Drew kneed the roan closer to the extra horse Boyd led, slinging his saddlebags across to the other mount. Then he dismounted, releasing his hold on the roan's wound.

A waiter now relieved the animal of the saddlebags and holsters, and taking him by the bridle led him limping to the stable, where he seized with great avidity the hay and oats set before him.

Once in his room Racey again explored his own and Swing's saddlebags and cantenas, looked under the cots and through the bedclothes. But he found nothing that did not belong to either himself or Swing. "They didn't make a second trip," he said to himself. "I'm betting it's Jack Harpe. Shore it is, the polecat."

"Yes," was the short answer. He asked for a towel and bowl and opened his saddlebags. He examined the point of his lancet and bared the slender arm. "What are ye goin' ter do?" Tom asked with a frown. "Bleed her, of course. It's the only thing to do " The Boy suddenly pushed himself between the doctor and the bed and looked up into his stern face with a resolute stare: "You shan't do it.

The saddlebags contained on one side twenty pounds of oats for the horse; on the other three days' provisions for himself. I knew partly what was in that bag, and it was every bit as heavy as the horse's fodder, for there were sandwiches, sugar, coffee, chocolate, tinned meat, peas, corn, fruit, etc.

They have only come from this side of Briare this morning, but though the journey is not long the road is heavy. They had twenty-four hours' rest before that, which they needed sorely, having travelled from Laville in three days." "Draw a good supply of forage for them from the magazines," De la Noue said. "See that the saddlebags are well filled in the morning.