United States or Lesotho ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There were only a few other people in the hotel, and these were of a quiet sort; they were not saddened by the presence of a doomed man under the same roof, as gayer summer folks might have been, and they were themselves no disturbance to him.

She spoke of army officers known to her well by name, mentioned Buffalo Bill as a hero well known in the East, and seemed anxious to glean all the information she could of the strange country into which she had ventured. At last she touched upon the cause of her coming, and her face saddened as she said: "It grieves me deeply to learn of the sad result of Mr.

The captain noted his protest at the Consulate, and claimed by way of sauvetage 200l. The owners offered 200 lire punds Scots. Briefly, noon had struck before we passed out of the noise and the smells of Messina. Our good deed had cost us dear. A wet scirocco had replaced the bright norther and saddened all the view.

Finally I asked her to write what she thought of one of our walks together, not trying to remember what I had said only expressing something of the activity which my words suggested." The teacher nodded again. Her face had become saddened. "I would not encourage her to become a writer," I repeated. "Expression of some sort is imperative. It is the right hand.

His mother's death, due to some inward ailment of which the nature was a problem to the doctors, left him saddened but too young to be embittered.

This was doubly distressing to Mr. Parkinson and saddened the whole community. Both were buried in one grave, not far from the house, and a more impressive funeral I never beheld. I now worked awhile again with Mr. Henry and we sold our wood to Bill Park, a collier, who made and sold charcoal to the smelters of lead ore.

"I was wonderin'," returned Peg, "if we couldn't get some one interested in 'er the Kings, mebbe. They're a good sort, with lots of money, an' are more'n smart." Lafe's eyes brightened visibly, but saddened again. He shook his head. "We can't get the Kings 'cause I read in the paper last night they're gone away West, to be gone for a year or more.... It's a good idea, though.

The shout that welcomed the arrival of the king was therefore feeble and lukewarm; and, disconcerted by so chilling a reception, he dismounted, in less elevated spirits than those in which he had left Olney, at the pavilion of his brother-in-law. The mourning-dress of Anthony, his countenance saddened by the barbarous execution of his father and brother, did not tend to cheer the king.

One of those that just go right on, do their own work and everybody else's, killing themselves inch by inch without ever thinking about it, singing and dancing at their toil when they begin, worn and saddened after a while, but pressing steadily on, tottering by and by, and catching at the rail by the way-side to help them lift one foot before the other, and at last falling, face down, arms stretched forward.

She shifted the can to her other hand and directed him; and, as she held out her reeking withered right hand under its fringe of shawl, he bent lower towards her, saddened and soothed by her voice. Thank you. You are quite welcome, sir. The candles on the high altar had been extinguished but the fragrance of incense still floated down the dim nave.