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Let's find a place in the garden and have a talk." They went down a gravel path and turned in to the rose-garden. A bench invited them to rest. Captain Kent sat down, and drawing a gilded snuff-box from his waistcoat-pocket, offered it to the boy. "The very best rappee," he said. James Cooper shook his head. "I don't like snuff, sir. I'd rather smoke a pipe."

But he destroyed the finest digestion a man ever had with maraschino, by Jove always at it." "Try mine," said Mr. Sterne. "What a doosid queer box," says Mr. Brummell. "I had it from a Capuchin friar in this town. The box is but a horn one; but to the nose of sensibility Araby's perfume is not more delicate." "I call it doosid stale old rappee," says Mr. The old boy in the smock-frock, as Mr.

He was a little old Frenchman, lean as a haunch of dried venison, and scarcely less dark in complexion, though his color was nearer that of rappee snuff, and had not the rich blood-lined purple of venison. His face was wofully meagre, and seemed scored and overlaid with care-marks.

In the course of time, she became the wife of one worthy of her in every respect their lovely children often sportively carrying off the ponderous box of brown rappee, and yet Uncle Budge never frowning. These darlings cluster round my knees, and one, more demure than the rest, thoughtfully asks: 'Why is Uncle Budge's hair not snowy white, like yours, dear Deb?

Like Monkbarns with his Elzevirs and his bundle of pedlar's ballads, he must have, in common with all hunters, a touch of the competitive in his nature, and be able to take the measure of a rival, as Monkbarns magnanimously takes that of Davie Wilson, "'commonly called Snuffy Davie, from his inveterate addiction to black rappee, who was the very prince of scouts for searching blind alleys, cellars, and stalls, for rare volumes.

Or, one ounce of finely powdered charcoal, one ounce of red kino, and a table spoonful of the leaves of sage, dried and powdered. A most excellent dentifrice, which cleans and preserves the teeth, is made by mixing together two ounces of brown rappee snuff, one of powder of bark, and one ounce and a half of powder of myrrh.

Gliding noiselessly among the beds where lie the poor creatures huddled in their cheerless dormitory, I fancy an old ghost with a snuff-box that does not creak. "There, Goody, take of my rappee. You will not sneeze, and I shall not say 'God bless you. But you will think kindly of old Queen Charlotte, won't you? Ah! I had a many troubles, a many troubles.

Ask him if he has anything else that belonged to his uncle." Then the boy took from his pocket a great, big red handkerchief and said, "This was my uncle's too." As soon as the boy pulled it out, Jip shouted, "SNUFF, by Jingo! Black Rappee snuff. Don't you smell it? His uncle took snuff Ask him, Doctor." The Doctor questioned the boy again; and he said, "Yes. My uncle took a lot of snuff."

Bertram alone excepted, whose tortoise-shell snuff-box was weekly filled with the best rappee at the old prices, because the maid brought it to the shop with Mrs. Bertram's respects to her cousin Mr. Quid.

When such were mentioned in his hearing, he seldom failed to point out how necessary it was to arrest the object of your curiosity in its first transit, and to tell his favourite story of Snuffy Davie and Caxton's Game at Chess. "Davy Wilson," he said, "commonly called Snuffy Davy, from his inveterate addiction to black rappee, was the very prince of scouts for searching blind alleys, cellars, and stalls for rare volumes.