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I want you to accompany me to a certain spot not far from here. Will you come, now, at once? 'With pleasure, said Racksole. At that moment a page entered with a telegram. Racksole opened it read: 'Please come instantly. Nella. Hotel Wellington, Ostend. He looked at his watch. 'I can't come, he said to the detective. I'm going to Ostend. 'To Ostend? 'Yes, now.

She is a very difficult creature to manage, Prince, and I may warn you, he laughed grimly, 'that if we do succeed in doing anything to-night we shall catch it from her ladyship in the morning. Are you ready to take that risk? 'I am, the Prince smiled. 'But Miss Racksole is a young lady of quite remarkable nerve. 'She is, said Racksole drily. 'I wish sometimes she had less.

If you make a great noise you may wake someone and ultimately get released from this lift. But I advise you to compose yourself, and wait till morning. It will be more dignified. For the third time, good-bye. And with that Rocco, without hastening, walked down the corridor and so out of sight. Racksole said never a word. He was too disgusted with himself to speak.

'My compliments to Mr Rocco, he said to the page who answered his summons, 'and if it is quite convenient I should be glad to see him here for a moment. 'What do you give Rocco? Racksole inquired. 'Two thousand a year and the treatment of an Ambassador. 'I shall give him the treatment of an Ambassador and three thousand. 'You will be wise, said Felix Babylon.

Having emitted this pronouncement, the great specialist from Manchester Square left. It was one o'clock in the morning. By one of those strange and futile coincidences which sometimes startle us by their subtle significance, the specialist met Theodore Racksole and his captive as they were entering the hotel. Neither had the least suspicion of the other's business.

IT appeared impossible to Theodore Racksole that so cumbrous an article as a corpse could be removed out of his hotel, with no trace, no hint, no clue as to the time or the manner of the performance of the deed. After the first feeling of surprise, Racksole grew coldly and severely angry. He had a mind to dismiss the entire staff of the hotel.

Russia exhausted, Nella lightly outlined her own doings since she had met the young man in the Tsar's capital, and this recital brought the topic round to London, where it stayed till the final piece of steak was eaten. Theodore Racksole noticed that Mr Dimmock gave very meagre information about his own movements, either past or future.

'But really, Mr Racksole, protested the detective. 'My business is urgent. 'So's mine, said Racksole. In ten minutes he was on his way to Victoria Station. WE must now return to Nella Racksole and Prince Aribert of Posen on board the yacht without a name. The Prince's first business was to make Jules, otherwise Mr Tom Jackson, perfectly secure by means of several pieces of rope.

All you have to do is to take note of what the fellow does. If he has any accomplices within the hotel we shall probably be able by that means to discover who the accomplice is. Lighting a match and shading it with his hands, Racksole showed them both out of the little cellar.

'Thirty-four thousand pounds per annum. 'I buy, said Theodore Racksole, smiling contentedly; 'and we will, if you please, exchange contract-letters on the spot. 'You come quickly to a resolution, Mr Racksole. But perhaps you have been considering this question for a long time? 'On the contrary, Racksole looked at his watch, 'I have been considering it for six minutes.