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Monachus in claustro non valet ova duo; sed quando est extra, bene valet triginta. I have seen above five hundred hanged, but I never saw any have a better countenance in his dangling and pendilatory swagging. Truly, if I had so good a one, I would willingly hang thus all my lifetime. What, said the monk, have you almost done preaching?

Sanguis mane in te, Sicut Christus fuit in se; Sanguis mane in tua vena Sicut Christus in sua poena; Sanguis mane fixus, Sicut Christus quando fuit crucifixus, Jesus, that was of a Virgin born, Was pricked both with nail and thorn; It neither wealed nor belled, rankled nor boned In the name of Jesus no more shall this. Or, thus:

Talking of kings, and crowns, and gold, reminds me of my regret for not seeing the treasure kept in St. Mark's church here, with the motto engraven on the chest which contains it: Quando questo scrinio s'aprir

"Thou art mistaken, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "according to the maxim quando caput dolet, etc." "I don't understand any language but my own," said Sancho.

It is not every man’s part, saith one of our opposites, to judge de circumstantia, quae reddit actionem vel bonam vel malam. “Some circumstances, saith another of them, are intrinsical and essential to actions, and specially making up their nature.” The principal circumstances which here we speak of, are comprehended in this versicle:— Quis, quid, ubi, quibus auxiliis, cur quomodo, quando.

Quando splendebat lucerna eius super caput meum, et ad lumen eius ambulabam in tenebris?" ... I have no friend at Rome; I have laboured in England, to be misrepresented, backbitten and scorned.

By this means Ortelius joined the Nile to the Zaire or Rio Congo, and the Vistula to the Wolga and the Dnieper. The inhabitants have great dogs, en los quales quando se mudan cargan su menage. See the maps of Hondius, and Paulo de Forlani.

"Quando Amor i begli occhi a terra inchina." When Love doth those sweet eyes to earth incline, And weaves those wandering notes into a sigh Soft as his touch, and leads a minstrelsy Clear-voiced and pure, angelic and divine, He makes sweet havoc in this heart of mine, And to my thoughts brings transformation high, So that I say, "My time has come to die, If fate so blest a death for me design."

Reading these elucubrations of Alfonso's, one feels that the saint has pondered long and lovingly upon themes like an et quando peccata sint oscula or de tactu et adspectu corporis; he writes with all the authority of an expert whose richly-varied experiences in the confessional have been amplified and irradiated by divine inspiration.

Least of all was it written for the mere pastime and amusement of Roman readers. It breathes the spirit at once of the earnest patriot, and the high-toned moralist. Odium sui. Cf. note, 28: conditor. Hatred of themselves; i.e. of one another. So in Greek, the reflexive pronoun is often used for the reciprocal. Quando==since; a subjective reason. Cf. note, His. I, 31; and Z. 346.