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The third and last period is that in which he is makin' his soul and preparin' for another world; that is the period of dotage. Shakespeare's seven ages of man may have been more poetical, but it does not betray a closer grip of the Irish temperament. My other appearance as a literary ghost or rather as an anonymous contributor was when I supplied Mrs.

'Snowplows common was up two pints this mornin' on th' rumor that th' prisidint was undher ar-rest. 'They was a gr-reat bulge in Lobster preferred caused be th' report that instead iv declarin' a dividend iv three hundhred per cint. th' comp'ny was preparin' to imprison th' boord iv directors. 'We sthrongly ricommind th' purchase iv Con and Founder.

This time it was sort of a side-wipin' blow, and a full half-dozen fancy cream jugs bit the dust. "Good eye!" says I, chucklin'. Even J. Bayard has to grin. As for Sister Evelyn, she says never a word, but braces herself against a table and grips her hands together, like she was preparin' to have a tooth out. The dumpy waitress clutches the haughty one around the waist and breathes wheezy.

And then by that time the weather wuz so variable that she didn't know whether to take summer clothes or winter ones, and so she dallied along till it got so late that Whitfield didn't dast to take her out at all, she wuz so kinder mauger. She had wore herself all out a-bonin' down and knittin' them stockin's, and embroiderin' them night-shirts, and preparin' for the Fair, so they gin up comin'.

This this is the severest blow of all! I have killed her!" She opened her eyes as he spoke, and Denis, in stooping to assist her, weeping at the same time like a child; received a bang from a cudgel that made his head ring. "Your sowl to the divil, you larned vagabone," said her father, for it was he, "is this the way you're preparin' yourself for the church?

And I suppose a good studio could be fixed up on the third floor. Well, son, want to call it a trade?" "I'll have to talk to Edith first," says Hartley. "I think she'll like it, and I'll bet you'll like her, too." Uh-huh! From late reports I hear that Hartley was right both ways. A few days later Mr. Robert tells me that the Tylers are all preparin' to move out together.

Wuz her deep, mournful sithes preparin' me for the heart-breakin' sorrow?" I couldn't abear the thought, and I riz up and walked away. As I did so a bystander sez, "Have you been up on the Awful Tower?" "No," sez I, "I've been through awful things, enough, accidental like, without layin' plans and climbin' up on 'em."

No: the angel guest came down from heaven unbidden, and appeared to Daniel alone, in peril; and as he stood by the 'great river, it said, 'Be strong, be strong! preparin' him for conflict. And Daniel was strengthened, so the Bible says. "God's hand is not weaker to-day, and His conflicts are bein' waged on many a battle-field.

Old Mac. kin make a comfortable livin choppin cord wood if his voice ever givs out, and Amodio looks as tho he mite succeed in conductin sum quiet toll gate, whare the vittles would be plenty & the labor lite. I am preparin for the Summer Campane.

You can work for him best by preparin' your body for whatsoever of fatigue we may be called upon to undergo, an' since there is little chance we shall gain any rest durin' four an' twenty hours after leavin' here, it stands us all in hand to be prepared for the exertion." "Are you countin' on sleepin'?" Jacob asked, fiercely.