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"An instant, what the devil! it is not only holding out your hand that will do; if I give you the twenty pistoles, shall I have my brevet?" "To be sure you shall." "Soon?" "To-day." "Oh! take care! Monsieur de Manicamp; you undertake much, and I do not ask that. Thirty leagues in a day is too much, you would kill yourself." "I think nothing impossible when obliging a friend."

"Ah! true; I was offering to lay you twenty pistoles against these you have lent me, that you will have the Comte de Guiche's letter in " "How soon?" "In eight hours." "Have you a winged horse, then?" "That is no matter. Will you bet?" "I shall have the comte's letter in eight hours?" "Yes." "In hand?" "In hand."

I have touched the hand of the great man!" cried Bonacieux. "The great man has called me his friend!" "Yes, my friend, yes," said the cardinal, with that paternal tone which he sometimes knew how to assume, but which deceived none who knew him; "and as you have been unjustly suspected, well, you must be indemnified. Here, take this purse of a hundred pistoles, and pardon me."

When Breteuil had brought him to this state, and had finished him off with a few more draughts of wine, he profited by the information he had extracted from him during the first quarter of an hour of supper. His only thought after this was to steal off as soon as the dawn appeared, leaving the good cure snoring away the effects of the wine, and giving, some pistoles to the servant.

If you do not, you will be a beggar, though you were to receive the appointments of a Spanish Ambassador extraordinary, which are a thousand pistoles a month; and in your ministerial business, if you have no regular and stated hours for such and such parts of it, you will be in the hurry and confusion of the Duke of N , doing everything by halves, and nothing well, nor soon.

You gained three thousand ducats from me; here are three sword-thrusts for you. 'A moi', La Chapelle! I will have ten drops of your blood in exchange for my ten pistoles! and I myself saw him attack these gentlemen and many more of both sides, loyally enough, it is true for he struck them only in front and on their guard but with great success, and with a most revolting impartiality."

"That's it," said Manicamp. "Pardon me, you have forgotten to sign." "Ah! that is true. The five hundred pistoles?" "Here are two hundred and fifty of them." "And the other two hundred and fifty?" "When I am in possession of my place." Manicamp made a face. "In that case give me the recommendation back again." "What to do?" "To add two words to it." "Two words?" "Yes, two words only."

There's nothing would make it pass off tolerably but a good reward. A doubloon is my constant gain every day that the weather will permit my going out, and sometimes six pistoles. The coldness of the weather will not allow of my making a long stay, as the lodging is rather too cold for this time of year.

Humph! in my poor, insignificant opinion, I regard this as queer. I have seen doubloons before now in my voyagings; your doubloons of old Spain, your doubloons of Peru, your doubloons of Chili, your doubloons of Bolivia, your doubloons of Popayan; with plenty of gold moidores and pistoles, and joes, and half joes, and quarter joes.

Porthos succeeded him; and thanks to one of those disappearances to which he was accustomed, he was able to provide for the wants of all for a fortnight. At last it became Aramis's turn, who performed it with a good grace and who succeeded as he said, by selling some theological books in procuring a few pistoles.