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"I feel closer to you now than to any one in the world." He stopped suddenly and indicated the side of the path. "We might just a minute " It was a pieta, a life-size statue of the Blessed Virgin set within a semicircle of rocks. Feeling a little self-conscious she dropped on her knees beside him and made an unsuccessful attempt at prayer. She was only half through when he rose.

The cortege was formed in the wings, that is in the Cappella della Pieta, the first chapel of the right aisle, and in order to reach it, the Holy Father, coming from his apartments by the way of the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, had been stealthily carried behind the hangings of the aisle which served the purpose of a drop-scene.

Vieni a veder la gente quanto s' ama; E se nulla di noi pieta ti move, A vergognar ti vien della tua fama." So, too, Canto III., lines 79-84: "As sheep come issuing forth from out the fold By ones, and twos, and threes, and the others stand Timidly holding down their eyes and nostrils,

Then there is what is called the Pieta, or the mourning of the women over the dead body. In this scene the holy mother usually holds the head of her Son in her lap, while the Magdalene clasps His feet and others clasp His hands. Next ensues the Procession to the Sepulchre; and, last of all, there is the Entombment, which is represented in a great variety of forms.

The inside of the church disappointed me, though no doubt I should have been wonderstruck had I seen it a month ago. We went into one of the chapels, which was very rich in colored marbles; and, going down a winding staircase, found ourselves among the tombs and sarcophagi of the Corsini family, and in presence of a marble Pieta very beautifully sculptured.

There are three half-grown boys in tunics without collars, and great roses in their shoes, with a dare three daughters of the family who died in infancy. Van Dyck's finest sacred pictures were his early 'Crucifixion, and a Pieta, at Antwerp. In these he gave a promise of nobler and deeper pathos than he afterwards fulfilled.

They learned of his visit to Rome, where, before he was twenty-five years old, he sculptured the grand Pietá, or Dead Christ, which is still in St.

For charm of colouring and depth of expression, the Pieta is the most lovely of all the Frate's works; therefore Bugiardini who was mediocre, could not have outdone his great master. It was not coloured by him. Is it not likely that if Bugiardini had any hand in the work, it was to finish these figures?

Add to these the fluid vigour of the unfinished relief of the Martyrdom of S. Andrew, No. 126, and you have five examples of human accomplishment that would be enough without the other Florentine evidences at all the Medici chapel tombs and the Duomo Pieta.

The Frenchman was, in fact, deeply moved when all this united sorrow exploded in the cry: "O Nume d'Israel, Se brami in liberta Il popol tuo fedel, Di lui di noi pieta!" "Never was a grander synthesis composed of natural effects or a more perfect idealization of nature.