United States or Sierra Leone ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"'Oh, so that is how they are going to work, is it? cried Maxime. 'They are not up to much, that pair "'It makes not, said the banker, 'bay dem, for dey may apply demselfs to oders pesides, und do you harm. I dake dees bretty voman to vitness dot I haf baid you dees morning, long pefore dat writ vas serfed."

"Is this gentleman the son, brother, or father of the deceased?" inquired the official. "I am all dat and more pesides I am his friend," said Schmucke through a torrent of weeping. "Are you his heir?" "Heir? . . ." repeated Schmucke. "Noding matters to me more in dis vorld," returning to his attitude of hopeless sorrow. "Where are the relatives, the friends?" asked the master of the ceremonies.

The only thing pesides thoughts of the child that troubled him was questioning whether he had been strictly right in turning round for to use the post to defend himself in such a way that it was nearer the jail than what he wass.

"Is this gentleman the son, brother, or father of the deceased?" inquired the official. "I am all dat and more pesides I am his friend," said Schmucke through a torrent of weeping. "Are you his heir?" "Heir?..." repeated Schmucke. "Noding matters to me more in dis vorld," returning to his attitude of hopeless sorrow. "Where are the relatives, the friends?" asked the master of the ceremonies.

If you burchase it, it is yours, and nopoty can take it away. Honesty is the best policy. And, pesides that, I am Cheorge Dargo. I know my way apout. Paul could have hugged him for sheer joy at hearing the familiar brag again: 'I am Cheorge Dargo. The old countersign was like music. 'Where are we going? asked Paul.

"I wonder you did that, Captain," said Mrs. Butler, "when you know the act of Parliament against wearing the Highland dress." "Hout, tout, ne'er fash your thumb, Mrs. Putler. The law is put twa-three years auld yet, and is ower young to hae come our length; and pesides, how is the lads to climb the praes wi' thae tamn'd breekens on them? It makes me sick to see them.

"I wonder you did that, Captain," said Mrs. Butler, "when you know the act of Parliament against wearing the Highland dress." "Hout, tout, ne'er fash your thumb, Mrs. Putler. The law is put twa-three years auld yet, and is ower young to hae come our length; and pesides, how is the lads to climb the praes wi' thae tamn'd breekens on them? It makes me sick to see them.

"She has seen the Shetlands and the Rocky Mountains the two finest places in the world, and crossed the sea and the Red River; pesides Canada and Nova Scotia, and seen French, and pairs, and Indians, and wolves, and plue noses, and puffaloes, and Yankees, and prairie dogs, and Highland chiefs, and Indian chiefs, and other great shentlemen, pesides peavers with their tails on.

"Dat poor teevil," he would say, "is wort twenty pounds, well, I am good for tree hundred, in gold and silver, and provinch notes, and de mortgage on Burkit Crowse's farm for twenty-five pounds ten shillings and eleven pence halfpenny fifteen times as much as he is, pesides ten pounds interest." Tree hundred pounds! Vell, it's a great shum; but vat shall I do mid it?