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In these organs are terminated the forms of the mind with those who are principled in conjugial love, 310. ORIGIN of evil, 444. Origin of conjugial love, 60, 61, 83, 103-114, 183, 238. Origin of the Mahometan religion, 342. Origin of the beauty of the female sex, 381-384. OUTERMOST, the, lowest things of successive order become the outermost of simultaneous order, 314. Obs.

With like suddenness their rage flares out instantaneously if they get mixed up on the march a quiet, peaceable team which has been lazily stretching itself with wagging tails one moment will become a set of raging, tearing, fighting devils the next. It is such stern facts that resign one to the sacrifice of animal life in the effort to advance such human projects as this. Hill < Bluff 86°; Obs.

The love of these two propriums is changed into conjugial love, so far as man cleaves to his wife, that is, receives her love, 194. PROVIDENCE, the Divine, of the Lord extends to every thing, even to the minutest particulars concerning marriages, and in marriages, 229, 316. The operations of uses, by the Lord, by the spheres which proceed from Him, are the Divine Providence, 386, 391. Obs.

"O, with a fair wind!" said the captain. "No trouble about the log, eh?" asked Huish. "No, sir," said Davis. "Light airs and baffling winds. Squalls and calms. D.R.: five miles. No obs. Pumps attended. And fill in the barometer and thermometer off of last year's trip. 'Never saw such a voyage, says you to the consul. 'Thought I was going to run short..." He stopped in mid career.

The subjunctive is used because the speaker reports his own reason for the wonder, formerly felt, as if according to the views of another person, and without affirming his holding the same view at the time of speaking. Madvig, 357, a, Obs. 1. A 341, d, Rem.

At present everything seems to be going with extraordinary smoothness, and one can scarcely believe that obstacles will not present themselves to make our task more difficult. Perhaps the surface will be the element to trouble us. Friday, January 5. Camp 58. Height: morning, 10,430; night, 10,320. T. -14.8°. Obs. 87° 57', 159° 13'. Minimum T. -23.5; T. -21°. A dreadfully trying day.

Perception consists in seeing that a truth is true, and that a good is good; also that an evil is evil, and a false is false, A.C. 7680. Its opposite is phantasy. See Phantasy, obs. PEREGRINATIONS of man in the societies of the spiritual world, during his life in the natural world, 530. PERIODS whereby creation is preserved in the state foreseen and provided for, 400, 401.

With the ancients, the science of correspondences conjoined the sensual things of the body with the perceptions of the mind, and procured intelligence, 76. Obs. The mind is composed of two faculties which make man to be man, namely, the will and the understanding.

The distinction between adulteries of the will and those of the understanding, 490. The adultery of the reason is less grievous than the adultery of the will, 490. Accessories of adultery and aggravations of it, 454. Adultery is the cause of divorce, 255. Representative of adultery in its business, 521. Obs. This word signifies to impress with affection either good or bad.

Release after Twenty Days in the Pack Friday, December 30. Obs. 72° 17' S. 177° 9' E. Made good in 48 hours, S. 19 W. 190'; C. Crozier S. 21 W. 334'. We are out of the pack at length and at last; one breathes again and hopes that it will be possible to carry out the main part of our programme, but the coal will need tender nursing. Yesterday afternoon it became darkly overcast with falling snow.