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They would certainly have succeeded, had these defenders been less powerful and resolute. "Well done!" exclaimed a deep bass voice, in evident enthusiasm, close to Miles. The latter glanced round. It was the voice of his friend Jack Molloy, who helped to work the Gardner gun, and who was at the moment admiring the daring act of an officer of Sikhs.

"At any rate," she said, "I am glad, for his own sake, poor young fellow, that Sergeant Hardy spoke so hopefully." "And for his comrades' sakes as well," said Marion. "You know, mother, that his friend Armstrong is also reported as missing, and Stevenson the marine, as well as that dear big bluff sailor, Jack Molloy. By the way, do you feel well enough to go to the lecture to-night?

Only I'll clear my conscience leastways, wot's left of it by tellin' ye that if you do you you'll wish as how you hadn't supposin' they leave you the power to wish anything at all." "Well, I believe you are a true man, Mister Molloy " "Don't Mister me, mate," interrupted the seaman.

He, too, was an adopted citizen of the United States, and he declared that he was anxious to follow the course that had been taken by his friend, Colonel Warren, in reference to his trial; but, deferring to the strongly-expressed wish of his counsel, he would leave his case in their hands. An able defence was made for him by Messrs. Heron and Molloy, Q.C., instructed by Mr.

He would run away and be a tramp where nobody could ask questions. With quick decision he started up to put his plan into action when a disturbing thought crossed his mind. Had Nance Molloy meant it when she said she wouldn't report to the probation officer if he didn't go with her?

He was close to her, with his ardent face on a level with hers. He was never more irresistible than when he wanted something, especially a forbidden something, and in the course of his twenty-one years he had never wanted anything so much as he wanted Nance Molloy. She caught her breath and looked away. It was very hard to say what she intended, with him so close to her.

"`England expec's every man, etceterer," said Molloy, with a glance at Miles. "Capting, you may as well let us know your plans, so as we may work together." Miles was not long in making up his mind. "You'll fire at first by command," he said quickly, but decidedly; "then down on your faces flat, and load. After that wait for orders.

He had expelled his most intractable rival Molloy, son of Bran, lord of Desmond; his rule was acknowledged by the Northmen of Dublin and Cork, who opened their fortresses to him, and served under his banner; he carried "all the hostages of Munster to his house," which had never before worn so triumphant an aspect. But family greatness begets family pride, and pride begets envy and hatred.

Did you tell her yer pa was a Molloy? An' Mr. Burks says yer maw was even better born than what Bud was. I'm goin' to git you a job myself. I'm goin' to take you up to Clarke's this very evenin'." "I don't want to work in a factory!" Nance said discontentedly, looking out of the window into the dirty court below. "I suppose you want to run a beauty parlor," said Mrs.

"I scorn to sail into this port under your straw hat, so I'll strike these colours, bid you good-bye, and make sail for another port where a civilian will be welcome." Molloy frowned at the floor for some moments in stern perplexity. "You've took the wind out o' my sails entirely, you have," he replied at last; "an' you're right, young man, but I'm troubled about you.