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His interest never flagged. He would hear the same word twenty times with profound refreshment, mispronounce it in several different ways, and forget it again with magical celerity. Say it happened to be STIRRUP. 'No, I don't seem to remember that word, Mr. Anne, he would say: 'it don't seem to stick to me, that word don't. And then, when I had told it him again, 'Etrier! he would cry.

At the first promulgation of the Christian faith, while the name of its Divine Founder was still strange to the ears of the heathen, they were wont, some in ignorance, but more of malice, slightly to mispronounce this name, turning 'Christus' into 'Chrestus' that is, the benevolent or benign.

We take it as a slight if our own friends mispronounce or misspell our own names, and surely flowers deserve as much consideration from us," quoth she. Goodness! how frightfully proper and correct. I felt so quelled that there was no more spirit left in me, and I followed her round listening to her learned descriptions and saying, "How pretty!"

There is a splendid blossoming of the flag of the country. The British parties of opposition have faded out. There is the wisdom in English statesmanship to be glad to see us with material interest in the Pacific Ocean. In this connection there is something better than a treaty. Do not mispronounce the name of the capital city of the Hawaiian Islands.

Certain lines seemed to go bumping along, and one had to mispronounce some of the final words to make them rhyme with others gone before, but it was all right Val wrote it. "I think I do better at stories," she ventured modestly. "I wrote one a little story about university life and sent it to a magazine. They wrote a lovely letter about it, but it seems that field is overdone, or something.

You remember what the Scotsman said when for the first time in his life he tasted real whisky: 'It may be puir, but I canna drink it'; so it is with your German. It strikes one less as a language than as an exhibition. If I might offer advice, I should say: Mispronounce as much as possible, and throw in as many mistakes as you can think of." It is the same everywhere.

"And to mispronounce, to utter falsely, to call inaccurately, will mean to summon into life upon the world and into the heart of the utterer that which is incomplete, that which is not God Devils! devils of that subtle Alteration which is destruction the devils of a Lie."

"Kettles" coming in for tea-leaves, and living in "Anchoranopally." How could Pennie have become familiar with such a child? "But my dear " she said faintly. "That's the very worst part of Nearminster. Full of dirty, wicked people. You ought to know nothing of such places. And I don't like to hear you mispronounce words, it might grow into a habit. It's not at all nice."

"I can tell you how to not mispronounce half as many words as you do now," said Stan. "How's that?" said Pete, greatly interested. "Only talk half so much." "Fair enough, kid! It would work, too. That ain't all, either.

'Yes, worthy to their stiff backbones, worthy to the point of utter dulness; they haven't got enough vulgarity even to drop their h's or be any way entertaining. I should like them ever so much better if they ate with their knives and drank out of their saucers, but she can't even mispronounce a French word worse than most English people. 'No pretension even?