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There is a flame of religious love when the heart sacrifices itself in humble realization of the joy of its adorable love purer than the fierce fire of the hating heart that applies the torch to the martyr's pyre. We give our lives to seeking these higher refinements because they are stronger and more like God.

'Declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, or that which our lips refuse to say even as a hypothesis! Still further, with the Resurrection stands or falls Christ's whole work for our redemption. If He died, like other men if that awful bony hand has got its grip upon Him too, then we have no proof that the cross was anything but a martyr's cross.

In the History of Lancashire, which I looked at last night, there is quite a different account, according to which the footstep is not a bloody one, but is a slight cavity or inequality in the surface of the stone, somewhat in the shape of a man's foot with a peaked shoe. The martyr's name was George Marsh. He was a curate, and was afterwards burnt.

She thought of Bessie, followed Peter in imagination to the town-hall, and heard his powerful voice contending for resistance to the last man and the last pound of meat; nay, she could place herself by his side, for she knew what was to come: To stand fast, stand fast for liberty, and if God so willed, die a martyr's death for it like Jacoba, Leonhard, and Peter's noble father.

When he made his humble little speeches of thanks to them before the curtain, there was always a touch of pride in the humility. Perhaps he would not have received adulation in quite the same dignified way if he had never known what it was to wear the martyr's "shirt of flame." This is the worst of my trying to give a consecutive narrative of my first years at the Lyceum.

Leander broke off the conference, and walked away at a step quicker than his wont. But Marcian, after lingering awhile in troubled thought, returned to the martyr's grave. Long he remained upon his knees, the conflict within him so violent that he could scarce find coherent words of prayer. Meanwhile the August sky had clouded, and thunder was beginning to roll.

Also, a portion of the martyr's brains were kept under a piece of rock crystal, and a special official, called the Custos Martyrii, was appointed to guard these relics. The chief window in this chapel was presented by Edward IV.; in it we can still see the figures of himself and his queen and his two daughters, and the two young princes who were murdered in the Tower.

"You'd better come too mother," said Edward Henry, audaciously. "We'll shut the house up." "I come to no London," said she. "Well, then, you can use the motor as much as you like while we're away." "I go about gallivanting in no motor," said his mother. "It'll take me all my time to get this house straight against you come back." "I haven't a thing to go in!" said Nellie, with a martyr's sigh.

These things were to Flossy almost more than, under some circumstances, the martyr's stake would have been to Marion Wilbur. Then she, too, as she went about doing sundry little things toward making her room more perfect in its order, took up Marion's fashion of pitying herself, and looking longingly at the brightness in some other life.

Of him, if we can surmise aught from his early return to England, it may be said, he was not imbued with the martyr's spirit, and his defection was, some time later, more than made good by the accession of the beloved Rowlandson.