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But that comes later at present you had better acquaint the manager of the hotel, and I should suggest sending for a local medical man there are some eminent men of my profession in this town. And the body should be laid out. I'll go and dress, and then do what I can for you." "Much obliged," responded Allerdyke. "Very kind of you. What name, sir?" "My name is Lydenberg," replied the stranger.

There were still the good positions in the Lydenberg district, and we had heard that De Wet had cut the line of communication behind the enemy. We also still had an intact line to Delagoa Bay. My brother and I met our old comrade Frans Loitering, and the three of us went in search of General Grobler of Waterberg, who lay with his commando to the east of Pretoria at Franspoort, near Donkerhoek.

But as regards myself" here he paused, and looking narrowly from one to the other of his two hearers, he sank his voice to a lower, more confidential tone "as regards myself, I am not quite so certain as Dr. Lydenberg and Dr. Quillet appear to be. The fact of the case is, I think it very possible that Mr. James Allerdyke was poisoned."

He strenuously declares that neither he nor Van Koon had anything whatever to do with the murder of Lisette Beaurepaire, Lydenberg, or Ebers. He further says that he does not know if Lydenberg poisoned James Allerdyke. He declares that he does not know if it was ever intended to poison James Allerdyke, though he confesses that it was intended to rob him at Hull.

Look here!" Chettle opened a square cardboard box in which certain personal effects belonging to Lydenberg had been placed one or two rings, a pocket-knife, his purse and its contents, a cigar-case, his watch and chain. He took up the watch, detached it from the chain, and held it towards Allerdyke, who was regarding these proceedings with intense curiosity. "You see this watch, Mr.

I say it may be the work of an individual it's quite possible that the man who killed the Frenchwoman is also the man who shot Lydenberg but it may be the work of one, two, or three separate persons, acting in collusion. I believe that Lydenberg was the actual thief of the Princess's jewels from your cousin; that the Frenchwoman actually stole her mistress's jewels.

A few houses of corrugated iron, a pretty railway-station, and much scenery, serves as a worthy description of the town at the junction of the purposed railway to the gold-fields of Lydenberg.

For give it to somebody he did, and that somebody was a person who knew of the jewel transaction, and employed Lydenberg in it, and sent the photo to Lydenberg so that he should know your cousin by sight at once. Mr. Allerdyke, the secret of these murders and thefts is there!"

"Why, this if that young fellow who led pugs about, and talked to Mamselle Lisette in Kensington Gardens, is another of the cat's paws that this gang evidently made use of, I should say that when the gang sees he's being searched for, they'll out him, just as they outed her and Lydenberg. That's what I mean, Mr. Allerdyke they'll do him in themselves before anybody else can get at him! See?"

He acted as my valet at the Waldorf from the beginning of April to about the end of the first week in May last. And since we now know what we do it's my opinion that there there in that dead man is the last of the puppets! The Frenchwoman Lydenberg now this fellow all three got rid of! Now, then where's the man who pulled the strings! Where's the arch-murderer!"