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Then the fielders interposed. 'I sy, look 'ere, 'e's only givin' 'er lobs; 'e's not tryin' ter git 'er aht. 'You're spoilin' our gime. 'I don't care; I've got twenty runs thet's more than you could do. I'll go aht now of my own accord, so there! Come on, Tom.

When that celebrated company of cricketers, dressed in frock-coats and tall hats, whose portraits adorn many a pavilion, competed for the honour of All England, they were quite ignorant of "round-arm" bowling, which is, of course, an invention of modern times. Only "lobs," or "under-hands," were the order of the day.

It is nearly always best to lob to your opponent's back-hand, since the majority of players are weaker there. There are three kinds of lobs: The high lob, sent well out of reach of your opponent's racket, but with the disadvantage of taking some time to reach the ground.

Closely connected to the overhead since it is the usual defence to any hard smash, is the lob. A lob is a high toss of the ball landing between the service-line and the baseline. An excellent lob should be within 6 feet of the baseline. Lobs are essentially defensive.

And now let's start our innings." Some even began to edge toward the pavilion. But the next ball was bowled, and the next over, and the next after that, and still Barnes made no sign. A gray dismay settled on the field. The bowling had now become almost unbelievably bad. Lobs were being tried, and Stone, nearly weeping with pure joy, was playing an innings of the "How-to-brighten-cricket" type.

But the dealer in lobs knows that the man who leaves his citadel, leaves it, sooner or later, not to return. In the hope that Scaife, intoxicated with triumph, will run out again, he pitches the next lob too much up a half-volley. Scaife smiles. John's prediction has been fulfilled. A record has been established.

Some balls he hit to "leg," and some he cut with terrific force past "cover-point." No ball came amiss to him; he was up to "twisters," and "lobs," and "thunderbolts," and walked into them all with faultless dexterity. Up went our score. Twenty grew to forty, and forty to fifty. It was all a matter of time now.

You needn't bowl any of your mild lobs down to us. By the way, is it true you've been stuck in the choir?" "Yes; awful sell. I tried to scratch, but Parks said they were hard up for a good contralto; so I had to go in the team. I'm to be third man up in the anthem to-morrow got half a line of solo." "All serene," said Arthur, "we'll look out for squalls.

Johnston and Davis had several chances in the semi-final but Davis was too uncertain and Bill too anxious and they tossed away the opportunities. Vinnie and I met the Kinseys in the semi-final and after chasing their lobs all over the court for hours and smashing until our backs ached, we finally pulled out three sequence sets.

I could hardly estimate the total amount of ore brought to grass, or its average yield: specimens of white quartz, with threads, strings, and lobs of gold, have been sent to England from Crocker's Reef. The best tailings are reserved either for treatment on the spot or for reduction in England. The mine, as regards present condition, is in the stage of prospecting upon a large and liberal scale.