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"You would as lieve it was anybody else; but your other friends have left you to die like a dog," said Robinson sarcastically. "Well, they left you when you were sick I'll leave you when you are well." "What for? Seems to me that you have earned a right to stay as long as you are minded. The man that stands by me in trouble I won't bid him go when the sun shines again."

In the letter we again trace the delusion that Aleander persecutes him, sets on opponents against him, and even lays snares for his friends. Did his mind at last give way too? On 12 July the end came. The friends around his couch heard him groan incessantly: 'O Jesu, misericordia; Domine libera me; Domine miserere mei! And at last in Dutch: 'Lieve God.

S was in great spirits, and played the sparkler with such great success as to silence the whole of us excepting Jim, who was the agreeable rattle of the evening. God defend me from such vivacity as hers, in future, such smart speeches without meaning, such bubble and squeak nonsense! I'd as lieve stand by a frying-pan for an hour and listen to the cooking of apple fritters.

"I shall be glad of it!" said the doctor. "Glad of it?" said Fleda, smiling. "Do you want to get rid of me, uncle Orrin?" "Yes!" said he. "This isn't the right place for you. You are too much alone." "No, indeed, Sir. I have been reading voraciously, and enjoying myself as much as possible. I would quite as lieve be here as there, putting you out of the question."

From all I can judge and from all I have heard of you through Pinch, you are not a likely kind of fellow to have been brought here by impertinent curiosity or any other offensive motive. Sit down. I'm glad to see you. 'Thankee, sir, said Mark. 'I'd as lieve stand. 'If you don't sit down, retorted Martin, 'I'll not talk to you. 'Very good, sir, observed Mark. 'Your will's a law, sir.

They closed, but the young man got from him and stepped back, crying, with great eagerness and horror, "Don't touch me! I would as lieve be touched by the Devil!" 'He stood still, with his bill-hook in his hand, looking at the young man. For, the young man's look was the counterpart of her last look, and he had not expected ever to see that again. "I am no thief.

To the clamour made by the refugees against this spirit of toleration, one of the favourite preachers in the town, of Arminian tendencies, had declared in the pulpit, that he would as lieve see the Spanish as the Calvinistic inquisition established over his country; using an expression, in regard to the church of Geneva, more energetic than decorous.

At the end of the jetty, on each side, lay the Royal Adelaide and the Magnet, with as fierce a contest for patronage as ever was witnessed. Both decks were crowded with anxious faces for the Monday's steamboat race is as great an event as a Derby, and a cockney would as lieve lay on an outside horse as patronise a boat that was likely to let another pass her.

"No!" declared King. "Nobody could frighten me!" "Oh, he could, could he? Well, you are a foolish boy if Nobody could frighten you!" King looked a little confused, and then he laughed and said, "Well, I'd just as lieve fight Nobody, if he attacks me." "There'll be no cause to fight, my boy. Now, skip along, and remember your message." "Yes, Mr.

"I'll be late to supper now, if I don't run." "Oh, never mind," she urged. "I'll show you just where I saw him. I just as lieve you'd catch him." The invitation was too much for Tim, and he started off across the fields with Bess Thornton.