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Sometimes they make covenants by taking a stone in their hands, and saying, "If I make this covenant seriously and faithfully, then let the great Jupiter bless me; if not so, let me be cast away from the face of the gods, as I cast away this stone." This was called jurare per Jovem lapidem.

Her powers of resistance were beginning to relax. As for Mary Wells, she gave her no peace; she kept instilling her mind into her mistress's with the pertinacity of a small but ever-dripping fount, and we know both by science and poetry that small, incessant drops of water will wear a hole in marble. "Gutta cavat lapidem non vi sed saepe cadendo." And in the midst of all a letter came from Mr.

Cum lapidem hunc, magni Qui nunc jacet incola stagni, Vel pede equus tanget, Vel arator vomere franget, Sentiet aegra metus, Effundet patria fletus, Littoraque ut fluctu, Resonabunt oppida luctu: Nam foecunda rubri Serpent per prata colubri, Gramina vastantes, Flores fructusque vorantes.

The succession of James VI to the throne of England, nearly three centuries later, was accepted as the fulfilment of the prophecy attached to the Coronation Stone, "Lapis ille grandis": "Ni fallat fatam, Scoti, quocunque locatum, Invenient lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem". Thus closed the portion of Scottish history which is known as the War of Independence.

"Qui sine peccato est, primus lapidem mittat" said the priest. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." He had gone to the hearth and was taking from the embers an earthen saucer, or shallow bowl, in which some fragrant broth simmered and steamed. "A man who has slept as long as you have, my son, usually has a somewhat delicate appetite.

Nec uspiam aliquis regum in Scocia regnare solebat, nisi super eundem lapidem regium in accipiendum nomen prius sederet in Scona, sede vero superiori, videlicet Albaniae constituta regibus ab antiquis.

Item accipe paruum quantitatis lapidem Adamantem, qui solet sibi attrahere acum et ferrum, et pone verum diamantem, super adamantem, tuncque si ministraueris adamanti acum, videbis adamantem operari nihil, vero diamante praesente, dum tamen adamas non sit diamante maior.

I therefore heard, the words of this charm, and as my memory is not bad, I still remember them; they ran thus: Petrus sedebat super lapidem marmoreain juxta cedem Jerusalem et dolebat, Jesus veniebat et rogabat "Petre, quid doles?" "Doleo vento ventre." "Surge, Petre, et sanus esto." Et quicunque haec verba non scripta sed memoriter tradita recitat nunquam dolebit vento ventre.

I have never been a slave to this work, giving due time, if not more than due time, to the amusements I have loved. But I have been constant, and constancy in labour will conquer all difficulties. Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo. As I have said before in these pages, I look upon the result as comfortable, but not splendid.

Et his dictis elevatus est magus in aëra et iterum desuper cito dejectus sparso ad lapidem cerebro comminutus et mortus fuerat coram eis." The pagans became afraid at this. But the king was much infuriated against Patrick, and he determined to kill him. He told his people to slay the cleric.