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"Yah; sure we love her," Kreutzer answered heartily and patted the child's head. "We love her much." "My heye!" said M'riar, happily, her sorrows quickly vanishing. "'Ow much nicer New York his than Lunnon!" It was with the grace of an old cavalier that Kreutzer led his daughter to the table, and called her attention to the little feast he had prepared.

She saw few English save M'riar and the landlady whose accent never tempted her to imitation. "He seemed to know you," she went on. "He seemed to wish, almost, to speak with you, but seemed to feel not positive that you were you." Kreutzer gave her a quick glance, then seemed to pull himself together with an effort. He assumed a carefully surprised air. "Who is he? Who is who, mine liebschen?"

And if they find at the end of the day that all their hard work has produced only 1 florin, 50 kreutzer, or 3 francs, or something similar, they will yet look forward hopefully to the next day, which may, perhaps, bring them better luck. We have given them hope. Would any one ask whence the demand comes which creates the market? Is it really necessary to tell them again?

He was a Spohr player par excellence, and I have never found his equal in the playing of Spohr's Gesangsscene. With him I studied Kreutzer, Rode, Fiorillo; and to know Halir as a teacher was to know him at his best; since as a public performer great violinist as he was he did not do himself justice, because he was too nervous and high-strung.

They scarcely noted that she passed as she went through the room and out the other door. "Yes," said Herr Kreutzer, "it is I who took the ring." "You who took the ring!" said the astonished woman. "How utterly absurd! You have not been in my house."

Just when the thought of leaving for America first began to grow in Kreutzer's mind, it would be hard to say, but it took definite form immediately subsequent to the London visit of a Most Exalted Personage from Prussia. On the last day of this Most Exalted Personage's stay Herr Kreutzer was enjoying, with his Anna, the long Sunday twilight in Hyde Park.

It is this stern veracity, unflinching and inexorable, which makes "Anna Karénina" one of the noblest works of art that the nineteenth century devised to the twentieth, just as it is the absence of this fidelity to the facts of life, the twisting of character to prove a thesis, which vitiates the "Kreutzer Sonata," and makes it unworthy of the great artist in fiction who wrote the earlier work.

A man's gifts are not given him for nothing, and the man who has the great gift of dramatic fiction has no right to cast it away or to let it rust out in disuse. Terrible as the 'Kreutzer Sonata' was, it had a moral effect dramatically which it lost altogether when the author descended to exegesis, and applied to marriage the lesson of one evil marriage.

When he has passed beyond them, he can return to them with greater technical facility and, because of their infinite variety, find that they offer him any number of new study problems. As with Kreutzer an essential to 'Violin Mastery' so it is with Rode, Fiorillo, and Gavinies. These editions give the work of the teacher a more direct proportion of result.

My Damie?" "Yes, Barefoot's Damie," said the boy, bluntly; "and he promised that you would give me a kreutzer if I would run and tell you. So now give me a kreutzer." "My Damie will give you three." "Oh, no!" said the boy, "he's been whimpering to my grandfather because he hadn't a kreutzer left." "I haven't one now either," said Barefoot, "but I'll promise you one."