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Once again he passed the beautiful lady in Rotten Row, but Kelpie was behaving in a most exemplary manner, and he could not tell whether she even saw him. I believe she thought her lecture had done him good. At length the parcel he had sent for from Lossie House arrived.

"And now do I believe that they are still at play in the crystal halls of the water kelpie, whence no man can rescue them." "And your wife Sigrid, what of her?" asked Sir Oscar Redmain. "When I got back to Gigha," murmured Roderic, "they told me that in my absence she had gone mad, and that in her frenzy she had cast herself from the cliffs into the sea.

While he spoke, Malcolm had been smoothing Kelpie all over with his palms; the moment the factor ceased talking, he ceased stroking, and with one arm thrown over the mare's back, looked him full in the face. "Gien ye imaigine, Maister Crathie," he said, "'at I coont it ony rise i' the warl' 'at brings me un'er the orders o' a man less honest than he micht be, ye're mista'en.

The room was cleared of all its canine occupants, save Kelpie, who Hugh insisted should remain, the mother resumed her knitting, and Adaline her book, while Hugh sat down before the blazing fire, and, with his hands crossed above his head, went on into a reverie, the nature of which his mother, who was watching him, could not guess; and when at last she asked of what he was thinking so intently, he made her no reply.

She slipped off Robin's knee, and I knew that she was now on the hearth-rug, simulating acute palsy for his benefit. "Then he felt somefing on his back, then somefing further up his back, then a bite at his neck; and then he felt his head bitten off, and he died. Now you tell me one." "Which?" Phillis considered. "The one about the Kelpie and the Wee Bit Lassie." Robin obliged.

Mitchell did not dare make any disturbance. From that night she always went by the name of the Kelpie. Another Kelpie In the summer we all slept in a large room in the wide sloping roof. It had a dormer window, at no great distance above the eaves.

The Lorelei is of course a water-spirit of the siren type, one who lures heedless mariners to their destruction. In Scotland and the north of England we find her congener in the water-kelpie, who lurks in pools lying in wait for victims. But the kelpie is usually represented in the form of a horse and not in that of a beauteous maiden. The Nixie

There were men and women now alive in Nancepean who could tell of this happening to belated wayfarers, and it was Mark who discovered that such a beast was called a kelpie.

'It wouldn't be at all nice to fall overboard here, would it? said Marjorie, who seemed to be blown along the deck, her hair flying in the wind. 'It will soon be over now, and see how near the island has been getting; we'll be there in no time. She hurried off to help in the coiling of the ropes, and in about half-an-hour the Kelpie was brought alongside the rude stone pier of Alvasay.

For just as he reached the stable, where he heard Kelpie clamouring with hoofs and teeth, after her usual manner when she judged herself neglected, the sickness returned, and with it such a fear of the animal he heard thundering and clashing on the other side of the door, as amounted to nothing less than horror.