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A door opened upon the left hand, leading into the clerk's office, where the books and archives of the office were kept. Mr. Kanapeaux, the incumbent, exhibited a great deal of good feeling, which it would have lost the sheriff none of his reputation to pattern after, and kept his office in very respectable order.

He seems like a 'likely fellow, and knows, if he cuts up any nigger rascality in Charleston, he'll be snapped up. Now, my good fellow, put on your best-natured countenance, and stand as straight as a ramrod. Mr. Kanapeaux, get your book ready to register him," continued Grimshaw.

The words of sympathy touched his feelings deeply; it was a simple word in his favour, so different from what he had met since he left the vessel, that he felt a kind friend had spoken in his behalf, and he gave way to his feeling in a gush of tears. "Good suggestion, Mr. Kanapeaux!" said Grimshaw. "Better take 'em off, Mr. Dunn; I don't think he'll give you any more difficulty.

It's a place of importance, and people always pay respect to it when they come into it; a few months in Charleston would make you as polite as our niggers." "Had you not better take the irons off the poor fellow's hands? he looks as if he was tired out," said Mr. Kanapeaux, the clerk, who again came to the door and looked upon Manuel with an air of pity.

For John Paul, Colored Seaman. To Sheriff Charleston Dist. July 18, 1852. To Arrest, $2; Registry, $2, $4.00" "Recog. $1.31; Constable, $1, 2.31" "Commitment and discharge, 1.00" "35 Days' Maintenace of John Paul, at 30 cents per day, 10.50 Recd. payment, $17.81 J. D , S. C. D. Per Chs. E. Kanapeaux, Clerk.

$22.81 Rec' payment, J. D , S. C. D. Per Chs. Kanapeaux, Clerk. This amount is exclusive of all the long scale of law charges and attorney's fees that were incurred, and is entirely the perquisite of the sheriff.

"Received payment, 13.31 J. D., S. C. D. Per Charles E. Kanapeaux, Clerk." Thus ended the scene. The little darkie might have said when he was in jail, "Je meurs de faim, et l'on ne mapport‚ rien;" and when he left, "Il est faufite avec les chevaliers d'industrie." WE must now return to Manuel. He was in close confinement, through Mr. Grimshaw's orders.

"How the divil do ye know what yer talking about; sure it's his honor's bisniss, and not yours at all, at all," said Dunn, addressing himself to Mr. Kanapeaux, and then looking at Mr. Grimshaw. "Mr. Kanapeaux, you must not interfere with the officers and their duty; attend to your business, and get, your book ready to register this nigger-boy," said Grimshaw.

Schooner "Oscar Jones," Captain Kelly, For William H. Copeland, Colored Seaman. To Sheriff of Charleston District. 1852, To Arrest, $2; Registry, $2, $4.00 To Recog. $1.31; Constable, $1, 2.31 To Commitment and Discharge, 1.00 To 15 Days' Jail Maintenance of Wm. H. Copeland, at 80 cts. per day, 4.50 Received payment, $11.81 J. D , Per Charles E. Kanapeaux, Clerk.