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Under the seal of confession, she imparted her full plan to Torquemada, entering more into minute particulars than she had done even to her husband, or in words to herself. It was so fraught with mercy and gentleness that Torquemada gave his consent, believing it utterly impossible, if Marie really loved, as Isabella fancied, that she could resist.

The bloody work of the grand-daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, the doting wife of Philip II., was rightly felt to be Spanish work; and never, perhaps, did England feel such a sense of relief as on the auspicious day which welcomed to the throne the great Elizabeth, an Englishwoman in every fibre, and whose mother withal was the daughter of a plain country gentleman.

When Isabella resided with Mr. Pierson, he was in the habit of fasting every Friday; not eating or drinking anything from Thursday evening to six o'clock on Friday evening. Then, again, he would fast two nights and three days, neither eating nor drinking; refusing himself even a cup of cold water till the third day at night, when he took supper again, as usual. Isabella asked him why he fasted.

If, Herr Casper, you intend to share with my wife and the twins what is left after the old wealth has gone, unfortunately, I cannot permit you to do so. I will provide for them also. True, it was your duty; for ever since Isabella became my wife you have taken advantage of my poverty and impaired my right to command her. That must be changed from this very day.

Unhappily the full measure of Columbus' misfortune was yet to come. Queen Isabella died, and Ferdinand, who, at the best, had been no more than lukewarm toward the achievements of the great sailor, refused to take any further interest in Columbus or what might become of him.

Constantinople taken, and the Roman empire of the East destroyed by the Turkish Sultan Mahomet II. Commencement of the civil wars in England between the Houses of York and Lancaster. Union of the Christian kingdoms of Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella. Capture of Grenada by Ferdinand and Isabella, and end of the Moorish dominion in Spain. Columbus discovers the New World.

Isabella was as bright as ever, but not quite so light-hearted. Padre Marini, the missionary, had embarked for Peru, and the whole city of Monterey was still laughing, dancing, singing, and love-making, just as I had left them. The officers easily persuaded me to accompany them to Santa Fe, from whence I could readily return to Monterey with the next caravan.

De Soto's desire for Peace. Capture of Capafi. His Escape. Embarrassments of De Soto. Letter of Isabella. Exploration of the Coast. Discovery of the Bay of Pensacola. Testimony Respecting Cafachiqué. The March Resumed. The Spaniards now entered upon a beautiful and highly cultivated region, waving with fields of corn and adorned with many pleasant villages and scattered farm-houses.

In the afternoon, when Henry returned from his office, his wife met him with tearful eyes, and informed him that her mother was filled with rage at the mention of the removal of Clotelle from her premises. In the mean time, the slave-trader, Jennings, had started for the South with his gang of human cattle, of whom Isabella was one.

Here Mortimer appeared with Isabella in royal pomp. They took their abode at the castle, while the king and other members of the royal family were obliged to content themselves with an inferior place of residence. "The gates of the castle were locked at sunset, and the keys brought by the constable, Sir William Eland, and handed to the queen herself.