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She had managed to look at the old clock as she passed, and had seen that it wanted a quarter to five. She knew that her father was never later than five. What, if on this special morning he should not come, just because she had resolved, after many inward struggles, to make one great effort to obtain his pardon. At last he was coming.

Of these heroines Mrs. Pelham was not, and when she rejoined at Fort Hays, got her house in order and proceeded, though with inward misgiving, to summon her subjects about her, she found that even the faint rally on which she had counted was denied her.

To have one's universe centred in God is the peace that passeth understanding. Greatness is founded on inward peace. Energy is only effective when it springs from deep calm. The pleasure of life lies in contrasts; the fear of contrasts is a chain that binds most men. In the hour of danger a man is proven. The boaster hides, and the egotist trembles.

With trembling hands he pushed the doors, rough with inscriptions, and the great stone valves swung ponderously inward, the bronze pins making no sound as they turned in the sockets. Kenkenes entered and closed the portals behind him.

This is in conformity with physical laws, since, as cold diminishes, less inward heat is generated. Their hopes of a harvest being thus defeated, and knowing that the neighbouring caciques had already been stripped of their provisions and gold, the Spaniards were forced to penetrate into the interior in search of food.

When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. It would be hard to find a member of a Protestant church in America, among the older denominations, who does not know these words, and is not accustomed to use them in response to the stimuli of kinship with other Protestant Christians.

The evening before, three men returning from the Oregon country to the States, had bivouacked with them and told them that the New York Company was a day's march ahead, so she had gone to the highlands to reconnoiter. Just here the bluffs swept inward toward the river, contracting the bottom to a valley only a few miles in width.

Had he been an ancient Egyptian instead of a modern German, he would doubtless have performed a weekly sacrifice to it, with the same stiff but ready outward courtesy, and prompted by the same inward adherence to the principles of household peace, which so pre-eminently characterised him. The Lady of Sigmundskron had neither parasol, nor lap-dog, nor fan.

"What have you to ask of Lucy?" said I; "be brave, and speak out" But there was no courage in her eye; as it met mine, it fell; and there was no coolness on her cheek not a transient surface-blush, but a gathering inward excitement raised its tint and its temperature. "Lucy, I do wish to know your thoughts of Dr. Bretton. Do, do give me your real opinion of his character, his disposition."

To me this was matter of deep regret, as I followed these vile men inward. Nevertheless I was resolved that my Lorna should not be robbed again. I saw her lead the men into a little place called a pantry; and there she gave them cordials, and I could hear them boasting.