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The President contemplated with a degree of pleasure seldom felt at the resignation of power, his approaching retirement to the delightful scenes of domestic and rural life. It was impossible to be absolutely insensible to the bitter invectives, and malignant calumnies of which he had long been the object.

The necessities of charitable organizations called for a sacrifice, and, rising to the emergency, she sacrificed her friends. A good many years have passed over our heads since Thackeray launched his invectives at the Christmas tributes he held in heartiest hatred, the books which every season brought in its train, and which were never meant to be read.

Probably there are few educated people in these times who could have understood him any more easily than a modern audience, even of scholars, could take in one of the orations of Demosthenes, although they might laugh at the jokes of the sage, and be impressed with the invectives of the orator. And yet there were defects in Socrates.

We never got but two clues of his past, and they were faint ones. One day, he left lying near me a small copy of "Paradise Lost," that he always carried with him. Turning over its leaves I found all of Milton's bitter invectives against women heavily underscored.

The Protestant princes, particularly the Landgrave of Hesse and the Elector of Saxony, promised him assistance. He brought all his powers of eloquence and of diplomacy to make friends for the cause which he had now boldly espoused. The high-born Demosthenes electrified large assemblies by his indignant invectives against the Spanish Philip.

Doubtless, Luther could be impolite on occasions. When he was angry, invectives rushed from him like boulder rocks down a mountain torrent in flood. We need not admire all that; in quiet times it is hard to understand it. Here, for instance, is a specimen. Our Henry the Eighth, who began life as a highly orthodox sovereign, broke a lance with Luther for the Papacy.

Wrong-doers in all the ages have been ready to part with a portion of the profits of an unlawful business for the cover of the authority of the state. The following is his discussion in full "Many have made witty invectives against usury. They say that it is a pity the devil should have God's part, which is the tithe.

The effects of favour and competition are at an end; the tradition of his friendships and his enmities has perished; his works support no opinion with arguments, nor supply any faction with invectives; they can neither indulge vanity nor gratify malignity, but are read without any other reason than the desire of pleasure, and are therefore praised only as pleasure is obtained; yet, thus unassisted by interest or passion, they have past through variations of taste and changes of manners, and, as they devolved from one generation to another, have received new honours at every transmission.

Under Laud the clerical invectives of a Martin Marprelate deepened into the national fury of 'Canterburie's Doom. With this political aspect of his life we have not now to deal; what Lambeth Chapel brings out with singular vividness is the strange audacity with which the Archbishop threw himself across the strongest religious sentiments of his time.

In the Entretiens politiques et littéraires, under the title, Eloge de Ravachol, Paul Adam wrote: "Whatever may have been the invectives of the bourgeois press and the tenacity of the magistrates in dishonoring the act of the victim, they have not succeeded in persuading us of his error.