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After a tedious 10 weeks' delay in tropical waters, the fleet moved on to French Indo-China, where, after another month of waiting, the last division under Nebogatoff finally joined a slow old battleship, 3 coast defense ironclads, and a cruiser. Upon these, Rojdestvensky's officers vented their vocabulary of invective, in which "war junk" and "auto-sinkers" were favorite terms.

My plan on the present occasion was to travel onwards by the following stages: On Friday, February 26th, 1909, I steamed up the muddy mouth of the Mekong to Saigon in Indo-China in a French mail steamer. To-day, February 3rd, 1910, I cross the same river many hundreds of miles from where it empties into the China Sea. I cross by a magnificent suspension bridge.

It proved impossible to hold Java, but almost the whole of Indo-China came under Mongol rule, to the satisfaction of the Chinese, for Indo-China had already been one of the principal export markets in the Sung period. After that, however, there was virtually no more warfare, apart from small campaigns against rebellious tribes.

But there is that in their manner which bodes ill for their masters if a crisis ever arises in Indo-China. I should not like to see our own brown wards, the Filipinos, look at Americans with the murderous hate with which the Annamites regard the French.

Leaving these people with gilded teeth, Marco Polo took the great road which conveys all the traffic between India and Indo-China, and passed by Bhamo, where a market is held three times a week, which attracts merchants from the most distant countries.

Here, in spite of outside aid and support, the free government of China succumbed to the communist assault. Our aid has enabled the free Chinese to rebuild and strengthen their forces on the island of Formosa. In other areas of the Far East-in Indo-China, Malaya, and the Philippines our assistance has helped sustain a staunch resistance against communist insurrectionary attacks.

To Lao-kay there are no less than one hundred and seventy-five bridges. The completion of this line realizes in part the ambition of a celebrated Frenchman, who once a printer, 'tis said, in Paris dropped into the political flower-bed, and blossomed forth in due course as Governor-General of Indo-China.

The East India Company an unwilling partner of Carey Calcutta opened to the Mission by his appointment as Government teacher of Bengali Meeting of 1802 grows into the Lall Bazaar mission Christ-like work among the poor, the sick, the prisoners, the soldiers and sailors and the natives Krishna Pal first native missionary in Calcutta Organisation of subordinate stations Carey's "United Missions in India" The missionary staff thirty strong The native missionaries The Bengali church self-propagating Carey the pioneer of other missionaries Benares Burma and Indo-China Felix Carey Instructions to missionaries The missionary shrivelled into an ambassador Adoniram and Ann Judson Jabez Carey Mission to Amboyna Remarkable letter from Carey to his third son.

The Chinese militia-soldiers, along with their families, over five millions all told, coolly took possession of French Indo-China and settled down to stay for a few thousand years. Outraged France was in arms. She hurled fleet after fleet against the coast of China, and nearly bankrupted herself by the effort. China had no navy. She withdrew like a turtle into her shell.

Two endless galleries run to the north and south of Commerce Dock, parallel with Orleans Wharf on the one hand and Lamblardie Wharf on the other. The northern gallery is connected by a foot bridge with the annex of Commerce Place, where is located the colonial exhibition, the center of which is occupied by a Cambodian pavilion, in which are brought together the products of Indo-China and Algeria.