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He was silent for a moment and looked at me with haggard eyes. Then suddenly he wailed: "Kamerad, sag mir doch Comrade, tell me is my arm still there, or is it gone?" "He wants to know if he's still got his arm," I said to the orderly, who turned to the prisoner and exclaimed: "Arm bon, goot!" "Aber ich fühl ja nichts But I can't feel anything for God's sake tell me if it's still there!

They would smile and say, "Ich nix boxer nice Engländer, good Engländer" this amused us immensely and their fear of us made them use us more decently. After I had been in the mine about six months, Snipe and I planned out a scheme by which we hoped to escape doing any work for awhile.

It is good to know always. EURIDICE, EU RI DI CE, WEH DASS ICH AUF ERDEN BIN!" he sang softly, playing the melody with his right hand. Thea, who was turning over the pages of the third act, stopped and scowled at a passage. The old German's blurred eyes watched her curiously. "For what do you look so, IMMER?" puckering up his own face.

"You shall see her, Yevgeny; but first we must have a little talk with the doctor. Bazarov glanced at the German. "Well, talk away quickly, only not in Latin: you see, I know the meaning of jam moritur." "Der Herr scheint des Deutschen mächtig zu sein," began the new follower of Æsculapius, turning to Vassily Ivanovitch. "Ich habe We had better speak Russian," said the old man.

Next morning the king and the prince went to look at the slain, and found among them the old King of Bohemia, lying dead between his two knights. Beside the king lay his shield and helmet, bearing his device, three ostrich feathers, with the motto 'ich dien.

The next morning he exchanged half of his worldly possessions for a ticket to New York, and within a few days set sail for the land of promise, in the far West. From Castle Garden, Halfdan made his way up through Greenwich street, pursued by a clamorous troop of confidence men and hotel runners. "Kommen Sie mit mir. Ich bin auch Deutsch," cried one.

"Wäre ich nicht noch immer der arme Beethoven," he says with unconscious humor, in one of the letters. "If I could but get to London, what would I not write for the Philharmonic Society.

The infant, that confronted the British Government in the Parliament House, had something of the young Hercules about him. In the first exercises of strength he acquired more strength, and in acquiring more strength he burst the bonds that had confined him. "Es machte mir zu eng, ich mussie fort."

For all that, she presently arrived at the Doctor's house, and at the door-step she was greeted by Mrs. Botz, who appeared with a gay shawl over her head and a letter in her hand. "Zo early yet!" the housekeeper exclaimed. "You yust save me some troubles. Herr Doctor say I am pleased to take you his letter." "He wasn't expecting me, then?" "Ich weiss nicht." "He's waiting, isn't he?

To which the dead bodies answer "Ich wes wel fair." "Such scheltou be." "For Godes love, be wer by me." So it was with all the men of that time.