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The gallant major and the young subaltern were escorted to their room by Mr Twigg. "I little expected to find two such houris in this out-of-the-way spot," observed the major, as he was throwing off his uniform. "Nor did I," exclaimed the lieutenant.

"I don't know exactly what houris from heaven are, but I have a kind of feeling any sort of frock would be out of harmony !" Lancelot lit his pipe. "If you begin to say that sort of thing we must smoke," he said, laughing between the puffs. "I can offer you lots of tobacco I'm sorry I've got no cigars. Wait till you see Mrs. Leadbatter my landlady then you'll talk about houris.

Ennui is not weariness nor tediousness, as described in the dictionary; neither is it boredom, for the latter differs therefrom in its not necessarily being the outcome of a high degree of civilization, which ennui certainly is. An untutored savage of Central Africa, or of the wilds of Australia may be bored; so are many of the ignorant houris of Oriental harems and zenanas.

The fifth palace, denominatedThe Retreat of Joy, or the Dangerous,” was frequented by troops of young females beautiful as the houris, and not less seducing, who never failed to receive with caresses all whom the Caliph allowed to approach them; for he was by no means disposed to be jealous, as his own women were secluded within the palace he inhabited himself.

Transform those houris into dusky hags and ragged savages, and replace their rounded forms with shrunken and knotted distortions, their soft hands with scarred and hideous deformities, and the persuasive music of their voices with the discordant din of a hated language, and then see how much lingering reluctance to leave could be mustered.

At least a prince of a dark and desirable country, a king over a gold-skinned people who would return when he wished to his fountains and his houris. I learned upon inquiry that he travelled in various countries with a horse and cart and his wife and children, selling bright colours to the women and men of these countries.

And the flowers came out of the earth and danced; children dressed up as birds, brown boys like beetles, slim girls like butterflies, all came dancing, dancing; with more light every moment, till the dazzle and the blaze seemed to drive away the little people; and then quite glorious forms appeared, pirouetting, almost flying pink-limbed houris, fairies, nymphs "call 'em what you please a fair knock-out."

"Wait till you come to America. I will show you her match in Newport." "I doubt it. What is Newport?" "Newport is the principal watering-place of our magnificent country. It is Baden, Homburg, Bigorre, and Biarritz rolled into one. It is a terrestrial paradise, a land of four-in-hands and houris and surf-bathing and nectar and ambrosia.

The doorway of the perfumed saloon might seem but the portal of a Mahomedan paradise, in which young and beautiful houris are deporting themselves under the guardian eye of the older and less beautiful houris. To the denizen of the air all, save the want of oxygen, might appear divine.

They were thrown down and secured; the cabin was searched, and nobody else found in it but three women; one old and shrivelled, the other two, although with their countenances distorted with terror, were lovely as Houris. So thought Jack, as he took off his hat, and made them a very low bow with his usual politeness, as they crouched, half dressed, in a corner.