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Bell had sent all sorts of orders about the books; there was no understanding him, he was so particular; if he had come himself it would have been all right, but letters always were and always will be more puzzling than they are worth. Dixon had not much to tell about the Higginses.

So the Jimmie Higginses worked out their campaign-slogan: "Starve the War and Feed America!" In the third month of the war, disturbing rumours began to run about Leesville. Old Abel Granitch had taken on a contract with the Belgian government, and the Empire Machine Shops were going to make shells.

The Higginses lost a darned good friend when Bill died. Bill wrote a pome 'bout their old dog Towze when he wuz run over by Watkins's hay-wagon seven years ago. I'll bet that pome is in every scrap-book in the county. You couldn't read that pome without cryin', why, that pome w'u'd hev brought a dew out on the desert uv Sary.

'Everybody else has had their turn at this great difficulty. Now let me try. I may be the Cinderella to put on the slipper after all. Margaret could hardly smile at this little joke, so oppressed was she by her visit to the Higginses. 'What would you do, papa? How would you set about it? 'Why, I would apply to some good house-mother to recommend me one known to herself or her servants.

Old Tim Hubbard, the meanest man in the State, borrered a paper to read the pome, and he wuz so 'fected by it that he never borrered anuther paper as long as he lived. I don't more'n half reckon, though, that the Higginses appreciated what Bill had done for 'em. I never heerd uv their givin' him anythink more'n a basket uv greenin' apples, and Bill wrote a piece 'bout the apples nex' day.

Is it just as it used to be in feyther's days? 'Well, a cannot say as it is, said Kester, thankful to have a subject started. 'They'n pleughed up t' oud pasture-field, and are settin' it for 'taters. They're not for much cattle, isn't Higginses. They'll be for corn in t' next year, a reckon, and they'll just ha' their pains for their payment.

The tobacconist should have had a crest, and the cheesemonger a war-cry. The grocer who sold margarine as butter should have felt that there was a stain on the escutcheon of the Higginses. Instead of doing this, the democrats made the appalling mistake a mistake at the root of the whole modern malady of decreasing the human magnificence of the past instead of increasing it.

Dixon will be flattered if we ask her to make some; and I will undertake to iron your caps, mamma. Many a time that morning did Margaret wish Mr. Thornton far enough away. She had planned other employments for herself: a letter to Edith, a good piece of Dante, a visit to the Higginses.

Between these extreme factions stood the bulk of the membership, listening bewildered, trying to grope their way through the labyrinth. It was no easy job for these plain fellows, the Jimmie Higginses. When they tried to think the matter out, they were almost brought to despair.

Is it just as it used to be in feyther's days? 'Well, a cannot say as it is, said Kester, thankful to have a subject started. 'They'n pleughed up t' oud pasture-field, and are settin' it for 'taters. They're not for much cattle, isn't Higginses. They'll be for corn in t' next year, a reckon, and they'll just ha' their pains for their payment.