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When I had described a half-circle, I found that the grass was no thinner and that my chances of a shot had not improved. We were now within seventy yards of the lion, who appeared to take the greater interest in us the closer we approached.

When the door swung open a moment later it closed on the first officer a square, thick-set, round-headed man, with mild blue eyes set in a face framed by a half-circle of reddish-brown whiskers, the face tanned by twenty-five years of sea service, fifteen of them with Captain Bogart. "Getting soapy," he said; "wind haulin' to the east'ard. Goin' to have a nasty night."

There were pale glimmers from the street in the half-shadow; and a quiet star or two high up in a dark sky; one seemed to be falling in a great half-circle it was only an airplane keeping watch over the sleeping city.

As quickly as possible I posted them in a half-circle round the thicket, and gave the head jemadar instructions to start a simultaneous beating of the tom-toms and cans as soon as he judged that I had had time to get round to the other side.

Bud said there was about fifteen of them. You can ride over after you get settled and help cut 'em out. What iron do you want to put on them?" "Well, seein' it's me own brand, I reckon it will be like this: A kind of half-circle for the sun, and a lot of little lines runnin' out to show that it's shinin', and underneath a straight line meanin' the earth, which is 'Sundown' me own brand.

"Only I ought to beg that dime museum feller's pardon. 'Tain't right to be partial this way." The hall was jammed to the doors. Captain Eri, seated on the platform at one end of the half-circle of selectmen, local politicians, and minor celebrities, looked from the Congressman in the middle to Luther on the other end, and then out over the crowded settees. He saw Mrs.

He grinned and pulled open his sailor's jumper and singlet; and there, on his naked breast, Taffy saw a ship tattooed, with three masts, and a half-circle of stars above it, and below it the initials W. P. "D'ee think my mother'll know me again?" asked the boy, and the other two began to laugh. "Yes, I think so," said Taffy gravely; which made them laugh more than ever.

That bulge, which was the cordon itself moving back, moved outward and became a half-circle some miles across. It continued to move outward, and on the map it appeared like a pseudopod extruded by an enormous amoeba. It was the area of effectiveness of a weapon previously unknown on earth the area where humans could not stay.

I saw by the start that Mademoiselle de Bourbon gave that it was hers, when the first paper was taken out 'Vanity of vanities, all is vanity! a few minutes were offered to the young Abbe to collect his thoughts, but he declined them, and he was led to a sort of a dais at the end of the salon, while the chairs were placed in a half-circle.

"For a moment I saw a ghost. My old dead better self!... It's gone.... And you stay with me." After dark Kells had his men build a fire before the open side of the cabin. He lay propped up on blankets and his saddle, while the others lounged or sat in a half-circle in the light, facing him. Joan drew her blankets into a corner where the shadows were thick and she could see without being seen.