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This picture is "The Resurrection of Lazarus," by Fra Sebastiano del Piombo, with the assistance, it is conjectured, of Michael Angelo. Angerstein's art treasures were to be seen until his death in his house in Pall Mall, where the Reform Club now stands. The Frenchmen, of whom Coleridge's friend. See the Biographia Literaria, 1847 ed., Vol. II., pp. 126-127. "Guzman de Alfarache."

They lifted him into their remaining boat, rowed him ashore, carried him painfully up the hill to the old castle, and made a bed for him on the floor, in the very room in which Don Guzman and Rose Salterne had plighted their troth to each other, five wild years before. Three miserable days were passed within that lonely tower.

The notary is trying that old charge of witchcraft, which the Inquisitors, whether to justify themselves to their own consciences, or to whiten their villainy somewhat in the eyes of the mob, so often brought against their victims. And then Eustace's heart sinks within him as he hears a woman's voice reply, sharpened by indignation and agony "Witchcraft against Don Guzman?

Now all this time Don Guzman had been talking at Rose Salterne, and giving her the very slightest hint, every now and then, that he was talking at her; till the poor girl's face was almost crimson with pleasure, and she gave herself up to the spell. He loved her still; perhaps he knew that she loved him: he must know some day.

"Pardon me, General, you seem disturbed in mind," remarked the young officer, drawing up a stool and seating himself opposite. "I am disturbed, Major; nothing in all the world could have happened to cause me greater regret." "You refer to the affair of last night; I cannot see that you have any concern with that." "Captain Guzman was involved with you."

Cortes having learnt, in the year 1536, that his ship, of which Fortunio Ximenez was pilot, had been seized by Nunnez de Guzman, sent three ships to Xalisco, while he marched thither by land with a respectable force; and, on his arrival there, he found his ship all spoiled and rifled.

"It is but too great an honor to squire the Queen of Bideford," said Cary, offering his hand. "If I am your queen, sir, I must be obeyed," answered she, in a meaning tone. Cary took the hint, and went on chattering cheerfully enough. But Don Guzman was not to be found in garden or in pleasaunce.

Amongst whom was the prince of Ascoli, Alonzo de Leiua, the marques de Pennafiel, the marques de Ganes, the marques de Barlango, count de Paredes, count de Yeluas, and diuers other marqueses and earles of the honourable families of Mendoza, of Toledo, of Pachieco, of Cordoua, of Guzman, of Manricques, and a great number of others.

Don Guzman had been made governor of La Guayra, in the West Indies, and his ransom had been paid. But he had fallen in love with the Rose, and the girl, driven, some said, by the over-harshness of her father, who loved his daughter and knew not how to manage her, had willingly escaped with him.

It might get to the ears of the captain-general, and though he is not very particular where rebels are concerned, he draws the line at mutilation." "We shall soon see; we have to be at the old sugar-mill when the moon rises," I said, gloomily, for the prospect held out by Guzman was anything but encouraging. "And that will be soon.