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The Brothers Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm, were very learned German scholars who lived during the first half of the nineteenth century. They were both professors at the University of Gottingen, and published many important works, among them a famous dictionary.

When the festivities were over, the wolf bade them all farewell, and returned once more to his life in the woods, much to the regret of the old King and the young Prince and his bride. And so ended the adventures of the Prince with his friend the wolf. Grimm. There was once upon a time a man and his wife who had an old cat and an old dog.

It passed, and the hand of the man who had done the talking darted out, seized the compact, and held it behind him. "If you will be good enough to give that to me, your Highness," suggested Mr. Grimm quietly. For half a minute the masked man stared straight into the listless eyes of the intruder, and then: "Mr. Grimm, you are in very grave danger." "That is beside the question," was the reply.

When he raised his eyes again there was that in them which Mr. Grimm had never seen before a settled, darkening shadow. "The world-war has long been a chimera, Mr. Grimm," he remarked at last, "but now now! Think of it!

Innocent himself of all the intrigue and international chicanery back of the affair, representing only an individual in these secret negotiations, he saw in the statement, as Mr. Grimm intended that he should, the possible climax of a great business contract. His greed was aroused; it might mean hundreds of thousands of dollars to him. "Do you think the deal can be made?" he asked at last.

Prince d'Abruzzi went on to New York that night, cabled a full account of the destruction of the compact to my government, and sailed home on the following day. I was the responsible one, and now it all comes back on me." For a moment she was silent. "It's so singular, Mr. Grimm. The fight from the first was between us we two; and you won." Mr.

The second man signed, the third man, and the fourth. The fifth had just risen to go forward when the door opened silently and Mr. Grimm entered. Without a glance either to right or left, he went straight toward the table, and extended a hand to take the compact. For an instant there had come amazement, a dumb astonishment, at the intrusion.

"Liar!" cried the Pole, and seized Lebeau by the left hand, while with the right he drew forth a revolver. Ferrier and Grimm, shouting, "A bas le renegat!" would have rushed forward in support of the Pole, but Monnier thrust himself between them and their intended victim, crying with a voice that dominated their yell, "Back! we are not assassins."

"What are the first and second figures of the combination?" he asked. "Thirty-six, then back to ten." Mr. Grimm set the dial at thirty-six, and then, with his ear pressed closely against the polished door, turned the dial slowly back. Señor Rodriguez stood looking on helplessly, but none the less intently. The pointer read ten, then nine, eight, seven, five. Mr.

"I will ask Professor Grimm to smell of that," Jack continued, thrusting the rag under the teacher's nose. "Arnica!" exclaimed the instructor. "The same that you used, and which enabled me to discover it was you who played the trick." "It is arnica," Jack admitted, "but it happens I was not the only one who used it that night.