United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the meantime, as I'm likely to get a biggish dose of dignified disapproval over this theatre business, I'd better ask Dick to come out to tea this afternoon to buck me up for what lies ahead. Goodness! what a boon a jolly cousin is when you happen to have been mated with your great-aunt for a brother." For a few years after that particular disagreement nothing of special note happened.

While you were gone I 'phoned Uncle Harrison and Aunt Nancy about that debt of my great-aunt who came to me through Viola to-day; they knew nothing about it, but they set to work looking over her old papers, and found that there was a sealed letter addressed to a doctor in Michigan, and in the letter was a check made out to him and which she intended to send him. Now, what do you think of that?"

Again, with pitying and sympathetic eyes, do I see myself hurried through the streets, a breathless prisoner, hatless, coatless for my coat came away in the hands of the whiskered wretch in the blouse deprived through forcible confiscation of my translating manual, by means of which I might yet have made all clear to my accusers, and still wearing on my sorely trampled feet the parting gift of Great-Aunt Paulina.

Were you there that night? I should surely have known had you been in the house!" He looked at me with a grateful smile. "I was not brought up there," he answered. "Rising is mine, however at least it will be when I come of age; it was left me some ten years ago by a great-aunt My father's property will be mine too, of course. My mother's is in Ireland.

His ancestors, who long ago had shielded the recreant great-aunt, were no keener than Peter now was to protect and preserve the honour of the little girl who, by her recent acts and Greyson had only Jed's words and the mountain talk to go by had aroused in him all that was fine enough to suffer.

Propriety, said Jane, 'you are already assuming all the dignity of my Aunt Marianne, and William's Aunt Marianne oh! and of little Henry's Great-aunt Marianne. Now, she added, laughing, 'can you guess the secret? Marianne stood still in amazement for a moment, and then exclaimed, 'Jane, Jane! you do not mean it, you are only trying to tease me. 'I am quite serious, said Jane.

Ethel would have never become a Camp Fire Girl excepting for her great-aunt Susan. Susan Carpenter was her Grandmother Hollister's only sister, living in Akron, Ohio. Her family consisted of Mr. Thomas Harper and herself.

M. Gillenormand had inherited it from a grim maternal great-aunt, who had died a centenarian. He had had two wives. His manners were something between those of the courtier, which he had never been, and the lawyer, which he might have been. He was gay, and caressing when he had a mind.

The great-aunt was in her garden, picking some August flowers, and she called as the carriage stopped, "Bring my nephew here, my dear, before you go into the house." At this, Molly, stepping out of the carriage, squeezed her husband's hand. "I knew that she would be lovely," she whispered to him. And then she ran to her aunt's arms, and let him follow. He came slowly, hat in hand.

I've always said that a man should see the world before thirty, if he wants to stay at home after forty," then he smiled down on Virginia, and pinched her cheek. "It won't hurt Dan, my dear," he said cheerfully. "Let him get a glimpse of artificial flowers, that he may learn the value of our own beauties." "Of Great-aunt Emmeline, you mean, sir," replied Virginia, laughing.