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The invitation extended to Morton, the preceding evening, by Jack Gardner, and the directions given him at the time, as to whom he should take with him to the party, had suggested to him a novel plan, which he lost no time in taking measures to carry out.

Near the two boys sat two young men merchants from the interior of New York State, who were making a business visit to the metropolis. "Well, Gardner," said the first, "where shall we go to-night?" "Why need we go anywhere?" "I thought you might like to go to some place of amusement." "So I would if the weather were less inclement. The most comfortable place is by the fire."

Without replying, Mr. Gardner urged forward the fleet pony, and they did not slacken their speed until street after street had been traversed, corner upon corner turned, and they were in sight of the Plaza de la Mar, with its myriads of ships' masts and flags in view. Then, driving more slowly, Mr. Gardner turned upon the dock of pier number three, and looked eagerly forward.

At the bottom of the signature is "R.C. Gardner, Mayor," presumed to be intended for the signature of the Mayor of Liverpool. As this statement is not under oath, and as there is no seal attached to it, it does not even amount to an ex parte affidavit. Vessel and cargo condemned.

But he's so critical of his own work that he goes over it again and again. He says that I am a most difficult subject, but that I inspire him. And he says, if I will only give him time, he believes this will be the best thing he has done." "That's an awful thought," said the cavalry officer. "You don't like him," reproved Miss Gardner. "He is always very polite to you."

Wenham Gardner. After all, perhaps she had found the way! "A hundred pounds is a great deal of money," he said thoughtfully. She shrugged her shoulders. "Not so very much," she replied. "About a fortnight's rent of this house, Mr. Tavernake." "Is the offer still open?" he asked. She looked into his eyes, and her face had once more the beautiful ingenuousness of a child. "Mr.

Gardner was speaking in a loud voice, making an announcement to the general public of buyers that had waited until Colonel Bishop had taken his choice of that human merchandise. As he finished, Blood, looking in his direction, noticed that the girl was speaking to Bishop, and pointing up the line with a silver-hilted riding-whip she carried.

Once, while he was preoccupied in this manner, he was again conscious of the distant whirr of an automobile engine, but he gave it no thought, till afterward. He did notice that Jack Gardner also heard it, and took his cigar from his mouth while he listened to it; but at once resumed his conversation with the lawyer.

'It is a pity that Miss Gardner has had to do with it, said Violet. 'When I have been talking to her, I always am left with a worse impression of people than they deserve. 'You never have a bad impression of any one. 'I think I have of Miss Gardner. I used to like her very much, but lately I am afraid I cannot believe her sincere. 'You have been taught to see her with Theodora's eyes.

"Sim Gage. Come down with a feller name of Gardner that lives up in there." "Oh, above on the East Fork? Say, how's the fishing up there? Did they say there were any grayling in there?" "I've saw Wid Gardner lots of times before, and he says a feller can always get a sackful of grayling any time he wants to, in there, come summer time." "Look at him go! Ain't that fine?" inquired Dr. Allen Barnes.