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Sam went along the board sidewalk homeward bound, hurried by the driving March wind that had sent the lantern swinging in Freedom's hand. At the front of a white frame residence a grey-haired old man stood leaning on the gate and looking at the sky.

But I repeat that .this help, no matter how great, can be lastingly effective only if it is used as a supplement to the strength of spirit and will of the people of the newly-developing nations. By extending this help we hope to make possible the enthusiastic enrollment of these nations under freedom's banner. No more startling contrast to a system of sullen satellites could be imagined.

It is no great matter, supposing that Italy would he liberated, who or what is sacrificed. It is a grand object the very poetry of politics. Only think a free Italy!" That was written in freedom's darkest age, between Waterloo and the appearance of Mazzini, and that grand object was not to be reached for forty years.

Franklin Roosevelt told us 50 years ago this month: "Civilization can not go back; civilization must not stand still. We have undertaken new methods. It is our task to perfect, to improve, to alter when necessary, but in all cases to go forward." It's time to move forward again, time for America to take freedom's next step.

Freedom's battles were never fought by men with full stomachs and full purses." "But rich men have given up everything for freedom Washington was a rich man." "Ah, but how many Washingtons has the world produced? I see the time coming when I shall have to choose. I see it and I dread it." She rose and stood behind him leaning over with her arms about his neck and her check against his.

Nor would we leave thee, gentle Truth. May thy voice guide and strengthen and cheer; thy sweet knowledge be the lamp to our path; thy words of wisdom our armor and shield, and all the sweet enchantment of thy presence be with us forevermore. "Our weary years of wandering o'er, We greet with joy this radiant shore; The promised land of liberty, The dawn of freedom's morn we see.

The mother, as she gazes with a full heart on the boy who is as the apple of her eye, bids him go forth and fight in Freedom's Holy War. The lass bids her lover take his stand for all that she thinks worth having, esteeming him something less than a coward if he fails to the fight. Woe betide the oppressors when the women of a nation take up the quarrel."

None other than a brave king can bind the various interests of this distracted country into one; and therefore, for fair Freedom's sake, my heart turns toward the Bruces with most anxious hopes." "For my part," cried Murray, "I have always thought the lady we will not woo we have no right to pretend to.

But of what avail was it to be Royal by right when Egypt, my heritage, was a slave a slave to do the pleasure and minister to the luxury of the Macedonian Lagidæ ay, and when she had been so long a serf that, perchance, she had forgotten how to put off the servile smile of Bondage and once more to look across the world with Freedom's happy eyes?

From the edge of harsh derision, From discord and defeat, From doubt and lame division, We pluck the fruit and eat; And the mouth finds it bitter, and the spirit sweet.... O sorrowing hearts of slaves, We heard you beat from far! We bring the light that saves, We bring the morning star; Freedom's good things we bring you, whence all good things are... Envoi