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The magician, rather roughly, desired him for the present to ask no questions concerning a place which belonged to his most bitter enemies, who were evil genii, and of whom at a proper time he would give him the history. Mazin was silent, but from the magician's manner he began to forbode some new treachery.

When you return, all these dreams will be forgotten; then we can meet as before; then I will be your second mother, and again your career shall be my care: for do not think that we shall leave you so long in this exile as you seem to forbode. No, no; it is but an absence, an excursion, not a search after fortune. Your fortune, leave that to us when you return!" "And I am to see her no more!"

They hear the cries of the little ones coming from the forest, and maintain that, if heard, they forbode a misfortune for the tribe; and as they have no baby-farming nor creches for getting rid of the children, every one of them recoils before the necessity of performing the cruel sentence; they prefer to expose the baby in the wood rather than to take its life by violence.

One night it was the night of September the twenty-first, one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven dreadful screams were heard, by the startled people in the neighbouring town, ringing through the thick walls of the Castle, and the dark, deep night; and they said, as they were thus horribly awakened from their sleep, 'May Heaven be merciful to the King; for those cries forbode that no good is being done to him in his dismal prison! Next morning he was dead not bruised, or stabbed, or marked upon the body, but much distorted in the face; and it was whispered afterwards, that those two villains, Gournay and Ogle, had burnt up his inside with a red-hot iron.

Some would have this to forbode, that the order, of which that was the badge of distinction, would some time or other be subject to him. Julius Caesar, in cutting down a wood to make room for his camp near Munda , happened to light upon a palm-tree, and ordered it to be preserved as an omen of victory.

But immediately in front of the lodges was a gathering, that seemed to forbode some movements of more than usual interest.

The golden-haired Angela became the pet of the castle, and won the affection and friendship of the two sons by her engaging ways. What had already happened hundred of times now happened among these young people, love replaced the friendship of the two young knights and both tried to win the maiden's favour. The old master of the castle noticed this change, and his father's heart forbode trouble.

For a time he could not speak; but after a deep silence he wiped away a few straggling-tears, and replied: "Yes! yes! do you not see that there is a mystery upon my child! a mystery which weighs down my heart with affliction." "Dear papa," said Agnes, "don't forbode evil for her." "It's a mere nervous affection," said William. "She ought to take more exercise.

On every side there were signs of a new era setting in, which forbode no good to the ancient customs and institutions of the land. The more aspiring spirits among the Sepoys had evidently formed the project of uniting the whole army in the attempt to drive the English into the sea, and secure power and emolument for themselves. Various things favoured the project.

"MY DEAR BOY, The tailor behaved very well; but as thy profound retrospective glance led thee to forbode, the cravats, the hats, and the silk hosen perplexed our souls, for there was nothing in our purse to be perplexed thereby.