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"Well," said the little girl, thoughtfully, "I didn't sweep any to-day, nor wash any windows; I didn't shine the faucets in the bathroom, either, because I forgot them till this minute. I didn't have time to oil the floors in the hall this morning I only brushed it up; and I haven't looked at the cellar or the attic at all." Her mother laughed.

In the court-yard of the palace a pillar was set up, with pipes at the sides of it, from which there were flowing continually streams of wine of different kinds, and every body who pleased was permitted to come and drink. A part of the amusement consisted in the pushings and strugglings of the people to get to the faucets, and the spilling of the wine all over their faces and clothes.

"This here liquid soap is nice" turning the faucets gingerly "and don't the boat set good onto the water?" Then returning to the rich topic of Mrs. Tuttle and her pampered bird, "Where's she get all her money for her ottermobile and her gold cage?" Mrs. Tinneray at an adjacent basin raised her head sharply, "You ain't heard about the Tuttle money?

The children were gamboling from room to room, testing the faucets, the dumb-waiter "Get avey from there!" Dora shouted. "You'll hurt yourself. Max, tell Lucy not to touch the dumb-vaiter, vill you?" "Children! Children! What's a madder vitch you?" he called out from the parlor, in English, with a perfunctory snarl. Presently he came into the living-room.

Once more, as on the night she had stood at the kitchen door and watched him disappear in the darkness, there came the tug of the old familiar things, the home sense. Not only David now, but the house. The faded carpet on the stairs, the old self-rocker Lucy had loved, the creaking faucets in the bathroom, Mike and Minnie, the laboratory, united in their shabby strength, they were home to him.

Then he meant to shake off his companions and go where he could quench that inward fire. He loathed them as they followed, chatting pleasantly.... But above the hissing of the hot water from the faucets over the basins came presently another sound, most familiar to the ears of the gossiping Celts.... "Rifle-fire! Out on the veld over yonder." McFadyen's towel waved North. "Do ye hear it?"

He had never seen faucets except the one in the Carder kitchen.

Braun picked up a waif of the street, an ex-Prussian soldier, who for a pittance and his daily "rum," slaved in the "Pharmacy" like a dog, polishing and cleaning until it was the smartest show place of the neighboring blocks. But the citadel of the real business was the huge marble soda fountain, with its bewildering array of gaudy silver-plated faucets.

"I said gasolene!" said Jim, menacingly. "Sorry, boss, but the last car out took the last drop we had in the pump. We'll have some more to-morrow mornin'." "My God!" Jim whispered. Then the storm broke. A thunder smash like the bolt of an indignant Heaven. It turned on all the faucets above. "Where's the telephone?" Jim demanded. "T.D.," said Skip. "What's that?" "Temporary discontinued."

On the other hand, if the spring is on the same level or lower than the house, a pump must be added to the equipment to force the water into the pressure tank and out of the faucets. If the spring has a large flow and adequate drainage, a water ram is advisable. With this hydraulic machine, three-quarters of the water that flows into it is used to force the balance into the storage tank.