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The ephemeral insect, born in the morning and dead when the day fades, has a still minuter scale than ours, but we should not think of regulating our estimate of long and short by it. Do not let us commit the equal absurdity of regulating the march of His providence by the swift beating of our timepieces. God works leisurely because God has eternity to work in.

Yet for us who are familiar with it all that gaudy advertisement fades into a background, just as the gaudy oriental patterns fade into a background for those oriental priests and pilgrims.

Hevelius relates that during the four years between October 1672 and December 1676, Mira did not show herself at all! As this star fades out, it changes in colour from white to red. Towards the end of September 1604, a new star made its appearance in the constellation Ophiuchus, or the Serpent-Bearer.

The hundred labors she went through weariness of body and travail of soul, the risks she ran, the pitfalls she escaped what need to record here? Many have recorded the like, many more have known them, and acknowledged that when such histories are reproduced in books how utterly imagination fades before reality.

Yonder steep bank slopes down to the lake-side, one solid mass of pale pink laurel, but, once upon the water, a purer tint prevails. The pink fades into a lingering flush, and the white creature floats peerless, set in green without and gold within.

But the blazonry fades as the clouds mount; and the brightening lines of the lightning dart up from the lower skirts, and heave the billowy masses into the middle heaven. The workmen are urging their oxen fast across the meadow, and the loiterers come straggling after with rakes upon their shoulders.

It is the sound of a hymn it is Louise standing playing, his sister Louise. And what peace O God, what peace and rest! But soon Louise fades away, she fades away, and vanishes like a flame blown out. And there comes a roaring noise, nearer and nearer, grinding, crashing, rattling and he knows now what it is only too well: it is the song of the steel.

When the hum of the bell through the morning silence was still and dead, he was still and dead with it." "The rest of this history is counted in my mind by four days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. After that it all fades off like, and the new years come with a strange look, being the years of a new life. "What about the old life first?

Restless man, with travel, ambition, and excitement, can woo and almost win oblivion; but poor, weak, confiding woman what is left to her? In secret to mourn, and in secret still to love. The Journey. "Adieu! adieu! My native land Fades o'er the ocean blue; The night winds sigh the breakers roar And shrieks the wild sea mew.

But now I cannot even tell all that I feel sometimes as happy as if I were enchanted. But when the flower fades from me, when I cannot see it in my mind, then it is like being very thirsty and all alone. That is what the other people could not understand. "Once upon a time, they say, the animals and the trees and the flowers used to talk to people.