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He arrived at night, and the lot of us had to get up to find the hammer to knock the peg out of the door and let him in. He brought home three pounds not enough to get the wire with, but he also brought a horse and saddle. He did n't say if he bought them. It was a bay mare, a grand animal for a journey so Dad said and only wanted condition. Emelina, he called her.

"Tut, nonsense!" exclaimed the Eagle, panting as well from nervous excitement as exhaustion; "you are always so fussy, Emelina. Please assist me to tie this string, Miss Ward." "Yes, I know I'm fussy, dear Julia!" exclaimed Miss Tippet, bustling nervously about the room; "but I can't help it, and I'm so thankful for ; but it was so bold in these noble fellows to risk their lives to "

Miss Emelina Tippet was neither tall nor stiff, nor angular nor bony; on the contrary, she was little and plump, and not bad-looking. And people often wondered why Miss Tippet was Miss Tippet and was not Mrs Somebody-else. Whatever the reason was, Miss Tippet never divulged it, so we won't speculate about it here.

But Mrs Willders did not know of the before-mentioned happy facility which her kinsman possessed of forgetting poor relations; so, after wondering on for a time, she ceased to wonder or to think about it at all. Miss Emelina Tippet was a maiden lady of pleasing countenance and exceedingly uncertain age.

"Emelina," said Miss Deemas solemnly, "let me warn you against that boy. He is a bad specimen of a bad sex. Bah! I hate men, and they hate me, I know it, and I would not have it otherwise. I wish they had never been made. I wish there had been none in the world but women. What a blessed world it would have been then!"

We took the hint and put a sapling fence round it. Again Dad decided to go up country for a while. He caught Emelina after breakfast, rolled up a blanket, told us to watch the stack, and started. The crows followed. We were having dinner. Dave said, "Listen!" We listened, and it seemed as though all the crows and other feathered demons of the wide bush were engaged in a mighty scrimmage.

It is so good of you to take me by surprise this way; just at lunch-time, too. Another plate and knife, Matty. This is a little boy a friend not exactly a friend, but a a thingumy, you know." "No, I don't know, Emelina, what is the precise `thingumy' you refer to this time," said the uncompromising and matter-of-fact Miss Deemas.

One day a bulky Government letter came. Dad looked surprised and pleased, and how his hand trembled as he broke the seal! Dave thought they were like the inside of a bear-skin covered with writing. Dad said he would ride to town at once, and went for Emelina. "Could n't y' find her, Dad?" Dan said, seeing him return without the mare. Dad cleared his throat, but did n't answer. Mother asked him.

"Dad's back!" Dan said, and rushed out in the lead of a stampede. Emelina was back, anyway, with the swag on, but Dad was n't. We caught her, and Dave pointed to white spots all over the saddle, and said "Hanged if they have n't been ridin' her!" meaning the crows. Mother got anxious, and sent Dan to see what had happened.